4 overrides of IsEmpty
System.Xml (4)
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaAll.cs (1)
29internal override bool IsEmpty {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaChoice.cs (1)
33internal override bool IsEmpty {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaParticle.cs (1)
154internal override bool IsEmpty {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaSequence.cs (1)
32internal override bool IsEmpty {
9 references to IsEmpty
System.Xml (9)
System\Xml\Schema\SchemaCollectionCompiler.cs (3)
854if (particle == null || particle.IsEmpty) { 1354else if (particle != null && !particle.IsEmpty) { 2078Debug.Assert(!p.IsEmpty);
System\Xml\Schema\SchemaSetCompiler.cs (3)
947if (particle == null || particle.IsEmpty) { 1628else if (particle != null && !particle.IsEmpty) { 2434Debug.Assert(!((XmlSchemaParticle)particles[i]).IsEmpty);
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaAll.cs (1)
30get { return base.IsEmpty || items.Count == 0; }
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaChoice.cs (1)
34get { return base.IsEmpty /*|| items.Count == 0*/; }
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaSequence.cs (1)
33get { return base.IsEmpty || items.Count == 0; }