2 writes to Particle
System.Xml (2)
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSchemaImporter.cs (2)
736items.Particle = FindGroup(refGroup.RefName).Particle; 740items.Particle = (XmlSchemaGroupBase)particle;
16 references to Particle
System.Xml (16)
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSchemaImporter.cs (16)
619return (items.Particle != null) && (items.Particle is XmlSchemaAll); 667if (items.Particle != null) { 668ImportGroup(items.Particle, identifier, members, membersScope, elementsScope, typeNs, mixed, ref needExplicitOrder, order, items.IsUnbounded, allowUnboundedElements); 684if (items.baseSimpleType != null || (items.Particle == null && mixed)) { 1197if (items.Particle == null) return null; 1199XmlSchemaGroupBase item = items.Particle; 1266if ((items.Particle is XmlSchemaSequence || items.Particle is XmlSchemaAll) && items.Particle.Items.Count == 1 && items.Particle.Items[0] is XmlSchemaElement) 1268XmlSchemaElement innerRefElement = (XmlSchemaElement)items.Particle.Items[0]; 1285if (items.Particle == null) return null; 1286if (!(items.Particle is XmlSchemaAll || items.Particle is XmlSchemaSequence)) return null; 1288XmlSchemaGroupBase group = (XmlSchemaGroupBase) items.Particle;