10 writes to bytePos
System.Xml (10)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (6)
2640ps.bytePos = 0; 2666ps.bytePos = preambleLen; 3058ps.bytePos = documentStartBytePos; // byte position after preamble 3060ps.bytePos += ps.encoding.GetByteCount( ps.chars, 0, ps.charPos ); 3147ps.bytePos = 0; 3215ps.bytePos += bytesCount;
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (3)
864ps.bytePos = 0; 890ps.bytePos = preambleLen; 1057ps.bytePos = 0;
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplHelpers.cs (1)
86bytePos = 0;
18 references to bytePos
System.Xml (18)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (11)
2669documentStartBytePos = ps.bytePos; 2854Debug.Assert( ps.bytePos == 0 ); 3097if ( ps.bytesUsed - ps.bytePos < MaxByteSequenceLen ) { 3138int bytesLeft = ps.bytesUsed - ps.bytePos; 3144BlockCopy( ps.bytes, ps.bytePos, ps.bytes, 0, bytesLeft ); 3156if ( ps.bytePos == ps.bytesUsed && ps.bytes.Length - ps.bytesUsed > 0 ) { 3165int originalBytePos = ps.bytePos; 3169if ( charsRead == 0 && ps.bytePos != originalBytePos ) { 3199int bytesCount = ps.bytesUsed - ps.bytePos; 3208ps.decoder.Convert( ps.bytes, ps.bytePos, bytesCount, ps.chars, ps.charsUsed, maxCharsCount, false, out bytesCount, out charsCount, out completed ); 3229ps.decoder.Convert( ps.bytes, ps.bytePos + bytesDecoded, 1, ps.chars, ps.charsUsed + charsDecoded, 1, false, out bDec, out chDec, out completed );
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (7)
893documentStartBytePos = ps.bytePos; 1007if ( ps.bytesUsed - ps.bytePos < MaxByteSequenceLen ) { 1048int bytesLeft = ps.bytesUsed - ps.bytePos; 1054BlockCopy( ps.bytes, ps.bytePos, ps.bytes, 0, bytesLeft ); 1066if ( ps.bytePos == ps.bytesUsed && ps.bytes.Length - ps.bytesUsed > 0 ) { 1075int originalBytePos = ps.bytePos; 1079if ( charsRead == 0 && ps.bytePos != originalBytePos ) {