7 references to Position
System.Xml (7)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheAxisQuery.cs (1)
58public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Cached | QueryProps.Position | QueryProps.Count; } }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheOutputQuery.cs (1)
68public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Cached | QueryProps.Position | QueryProps.Count; } }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ContextQuery.cs (1)
52public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Cached | QueryProps.Position | QueryProps.Count; } }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\EmptyQuery.cs (1)
23public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Cached | QueryProps.Position | QueryProps.Count; } }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\FilterQuery.cs (1)
150return QueryProps.Position | (qyInput.Properties & (QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Reverse));
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\GroupQuery.cs (1)
34public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Position; } } // Doesn't have QueryProps.Merge
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\SortQuery.cs (1)
101public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Cached | QueryProps.Position | QueryProps.Count; } }