2 types derived from XContainer
System.Xml.Linq (2)
System\Xml\Linq\XLinq.cs (2)
3441public class XElement : XContainer, IXmlSerializable 5405public class XDocument : XContainer
74 references to XContainer
System.Xml.Linq (74)
System\Xml\Linq\XComponentModel.cs (1)
279if (e != null && value.element == (changeState as XContainer) && (value.name == e.Name || value.name == null)) {
System\Xml\Linq\XLinq.cs (58)
928internal XContainer parent; 1374/// An <see cref="XObject"/> has been or will be added to an <see cref="XContainer"/>. 1379/// An <see cref="XObject"/> has been or will be removed from an <see cref="XContainer"/>. 1875XContainer c = parent; 2313/// The two classes that derive from <see cref="XContainer"/> are 2322internal XContainer(XContainer other) { 2511/// or attributes to the <see cref="XContainer"/>. The later option 2522/// Get descendant elements plus leaf nodes contained in an <see cref="XContainer"/> 2530/// Returns the descendant <see cref="XElement"/>s of this <see cref="XContainer"/>. Note this method will 2536/// An IEnumerable of <see cref="XElement"/> with all of the descendants below this <see cref="XContainer"/> in the XML tree. 2555/// <seealso cref="XContainer.Elements()"/> 2558/// The <see cref="XName"/> to match against this <see cref="XContainer"/>s child elements. 2576/// Returns the child <see cref="XElement"/>s of this <see cref="XContainer"/>. 2579/// Returns all of the child elements of this <see cref="XContainer"/>. 2582/// An <see cref="IEnumerable"/> over all of this <see cref="XContainer"/>'s child <see cref="XElement"/>s. 2589/// Returns the child elements of this <see cref="XContainer"/> that match the <see cref="XName"/> passed in. 2592/// The <see cref="XName"/> to match against the <see cref="XElement"/> children of this <see cref="XContainer"/>. 2595/// An <see cref="IEnumerable"/> of <see cref="XElement"/> children of this <see cref="XContainer"/> that have 2603/// Returns the content of this <see cref="XContainer"/>. Note that the content does not 2608/// Returns the content of this <see cref="XContainer"/> as an <see cref="IEnumerable"/> of <see cref="object"/>. Note 2612/// <returns>The contents of this <see cref="XContainer"/></returns> 2624/// Removes the nodes from this <see cref="XContainer"/>. Note this 2888internal bool ContentsEqual(XContainer e) { 2945XContainer c = n as XContainer; 2965XContainer c = this; 3030XContainer c = this; 3094XContainer c = this; 3277XContainer parent; 3281public Inserter(XContainer parent, XNode anchor) { 3353AddString(XContainer.GetStringValue(content)); 3428/// and can optionally contain content (see <see cref="XContainer.Nodes"/>. 3702/// <seealso cref="XContainer.Elements()"/> 4093/// <seealso cref="XContainer.RemoveNodes"/> 6573string s = XContainer.GetStringValue(value); 6699Value = XContainer.GetStringValue(value); 7477WriteString(XContainer.GetStringValue(content)); 7612public static IEnumerable<XNode> Nodes<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T: XContainer { 7614foreach (XContainer root in source) { 7630public static IEnumerable<XNode> DescendantNodes<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T: XContainer { 7645public static IEnumerable<XElement> Descendants<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T: XContainer { 7660public static IEnumerable<XElement> Descendants<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, XName name) where T: XContainer { 7724public static IEnumerable<XElement> Elements<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T: XContainer { 7737public static IEnumerable<XElement> Elements<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, XName name) where T: XContainer { 7803static IEnumerable<XNode> GetDescendantNodes<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, bool self) where T: XContainer { 7804foreach (XContainer root in source) { 7809XContainer c = n as XContainer; 7825static IEnumerable<XElement> GetDescendants<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, XName name, bool self) where T: XContainer { 7826foreach (XContainer root in source) { 7833XContainer c = root; 7851static IEnumerable<XElement> GetElements<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, XName name) where T: XContainer { 7852foreach (XContainer root in source) { 7870XContainer parent; 7873XContainer root; 7875public XNodeBuilder(XContainer container) { 8038XContainer c = n as XContainer;
System\Xml\Linq\XNodeNavigator.cs (15)
91XContainer c = source as XContainer; 311XContainer c = source as XContainer; 331XContainer c = source as XContainer; 382XContainer c = source as XContainer; 469XContainer c = n.parent; 487XContainer c = n.parent; 507XContainer c = n.parent; 596XContainer c = n.parent; 618XContainer c = source as XContainer; 671static bool IsContent(XContainer c, XNode n) {