5 writes to currentState
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (5)
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ZoomingMessageFilter.cs (5)
29this.currentState = this.initialState = (initiateZoomIn) ? ZoomState.In : ZoomState.Out; 82this.currentState = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) ? ((this.initialState == ZoomState.In) ? ZoomState.Out : ZoomState.In) : this.initialState; 134this.currentState = ((eventArgs.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) != 0) ? ((this.initialState == ZoomState.In) ? ZoomState.Out : ZoomState.In) : this.initialState; 142this.currentState = ((eventArgs.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) != 0) ? ((this.initialState == ZoomState.In) ? ZoomState.Out : ZoomState.In) : this.initialState; 190this.currentState = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) ? ((this.initialState == ZoomState.In) ? ZoomState.Out : ZoomState.In) : this.initialState;
10 references to currentState
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (10)
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ZoomingMessageFilter.cs (10)
118int zoom = parentView.Zoom + ((this.currentState == ZoomState.In) ? ZoomingMessageFilter.ZoomIncrement : (-1 * ZoomingMessageFilter.ZoomIncrement)); 119Point center = new Point((this.currentState == ZoomState.In) ? eventArgs.X : parentView.ViewPortSize.Width / 2, (this.currentState == ZoomState.In) ? eventArgs.Y : parentView.ViewPortSize.Height / 2); 165Debug.Assert(this.currentState == ZoomState.In && CanContinueZooming && this.fastZoomingMessageFilter != null); 166if (CanContinueZooming && this.currentState == ZoomState.In && this.fastZoomingMessageFilter != null && !this.fastZoomingMessageFilter.DragRectangle.IsEmpty) 199return ((this.currentState == ZoomState.Out && parentView.Zoom > AmbientTheme.MinZoom) || (this.currentState == ZoomState.In && parentView.Zoom < AmbientTheme.MaxZoom)); 244else if (this.currentState == ZoomState.In) 250if (this.fastZoomingMessageFilter == null && CanContinueZooming && this.currentState == ZoomState.In) 256else if (this.fastZoomingMessageFilter != null && (!CanContinueZooming || this.currentState != ZoomState.In))