namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#region Class Validator
[Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")]
public class Validator
public virtual ValidationErrorCollection Validate(ValidationManager manager, object obj)
if (manager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
return new ValidationErrorCollection();
public virtual ValidationError ValidateActivityChange(Activity activity, ActivityChangeAction action)
if (activity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("activity");
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("action");
return null;
public virtual ValidationErrorCollection ValidateProperties(ValidationManager manager, object obj)
if (manager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
ValidationErrorCollection errors = new ValidationErrorCollection();
Activity activity = manager.Context[typeof(Activity)] as Activity;
// Validate all members that support validations.
Walker walker = new Walker(true);
walker.FoundProperty += delegate(Walker w, WalkerEventArgs args)
//If we find dynamic property of the same name then we do not invoke the validator associated with the property
//Attached dependency properties will not be found by FromName().
// args.CurrentProperty can be null if the property is of type IList. The walker would go into each item in the
// list, but we don't need to validate these items.
if (args.CurrentProperty != null)
DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.FromName(args.CurrentProperty.Name, args.CurrentProperty.DeclaringType);
if (dependencyProperty == null)
object[] validationVisibilityAtrributes = args.CurrentProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidationOptionAttribute), true);
ValidationOption validationVisibility = (validationVisibilityAtrributes.Length > 0) ? ((ValidationOptionAttribute)validationVisibilityAtrributes[0]).ValidationOption : ValidationOption.Optional;
if (validationVisibility != ValidationOption.None)
errors.AddRange(ValidateProperty(args.CurrentProperty, args.CurrentPropertyOwner, args.CurrentValue, manager));
// don't probe into subproperties as validate object inside the ValidateProperties call does it for us
args.Action = WalkerAction.Skip;
walker.WalkProperties(activity, obj);
return errors;
protected string GetFullPropertyName(ValidationManager manager)
if (manager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
string fullName = string.Empty;
// iterate the properties in the stack starting with the last one
int iterator = 0;
while (manager.Context[iterator] != null)
if (manager.Context[iterator] is PropertyValidationContext)
PropertyValidationContext propertyValidationContext = manager.Context[iterator] as PropertyValidationContext;
if (propertyValidationContext.PropertyName == string.Empty)
fullName = string.Empty; // property chain broke... dicard properties after break
else if (fullName == string.Empty)
fullName = propertyValidationContext.PropertyName;
fullName = propertyValidationContext.PropertyName + "." + fullName;
return fullName;
internal protected ValidationErrorCollection ValidateProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object propertyOwner, object propertyValue, ValidationManager manager)
ValidationErrorCollection errors = new ValidationErrorCollection();
object[] validationVisibilityAtrributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidationOptionAttribute), true);
ValidationOption validationVisibility = (validationVisibilityAtrributes.Length > 0) ? ((ValidationOptionAttribute)validationVisibilityAtrributes[0]).ValidationOption : ValidationOption.Optional;
PropertyValidationContext propertyValidationContext = new PropertyValidationContext(propertyOwner, propertyInfo, propertyInfo.Name);
if (propertyValue != null)
errors.AddRange(ValidationHelpers.ValidateObject(manager, propertyValue));
if (propertyValue is IList)
PropertyValidationContext childContext = new PropertyValidationContext(propertyValue, null, "");
foreach (object child in (IList)propertyValue)
errors.AddRange(ValidationHelpers.ValidateObject(manager, child));
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == childContext, "Unwinding contextStack: the item that is about to be popped is not the one we pushed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(manager.Context.Current == propertyValidationContext, "Unwinding contextStack: the item that is about to be popped is not the one we pushed.");
return errors;