3 writes to parent
System.Windows.Forms (3)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (3)
5485parent = value; 5529parent = value; 6047ctl.parent = null;
65 references to parent
System.Windows.Forms (65)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (65)
1044if (parent != null && parent.BackColor == BackColor) { 1045return parent.BackColorBrush; 1882cp.Parent = parent == null ? IntPtr.Zero : parent.InternalHandle; 2629if (parent != null) { 2630return parent.FontHandle; 3445return parent; 3448if (parent != value) { 3453parent.Controls.Remove(this); 5503if (oldVisible != newVisible && !(!oldVisible && newVisible && parent == null && !GetTopLevel())) { 5612if (parent != null) { 5613parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(this, 0); 5634if( this.parent != null ){ 5635return this.parent.CanProcessMnemonic(); 5648for (Control ctl = this; ctl != null; ctl = ctl.parent) { 5697if (parent != null) { 5698parent.ChildGotFocus(child); 5805if (parent != null) { 5806Rectangle parentClient = parent.ClientRectangle; 6034if (parent != null) { 6035parent.Controls.Remove(this); 6668up = up.parent; 6887Control p = ctl.parent; 6942ctl = ctl.parent; 6951Control p = ctl.parent; 8594if (parent != null && visible && !Created) { 9024if (parent != null) { 9025parent.ChildGotFocus(this); 10330if (parent != null) { 10331return parent.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); 10452return parent == null? false: parent.ProcessDialogChar(charCode); 10483return parent == null? false: parent.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 10694if (parent != null && parent.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m)) return true; 10729return parent == null? false: parent.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m); 11031&& (Control.FromHandleInternal(parentHandle.Handle) == null || this.parent == null) // but wasnt a windows forms window 11669if (!Contains(ctl) || !nested && ctl.parent != this) ctl = null; 11685&& (nested || ctl.parent == this)) { 11687if (AccessibilityImprovements.Level3 && ctl.parent is ToolStrip) { 11789if (parent != null) { 11790parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(this, -1); 12003if (parent != null) { 12004parent.UpdateChildZOrder(this); 12092if (parent != null) { 12134else if (IsHandleCreated || value && parent != null && parent.Created) { 12171using (new LayoutTransaction(parent, this, PropertyNames.Visible)) { 12687if (parent != null) { 12688parent.UpdateChildZOrder(this); 12696if (!IsHandleCreated || !ctl.IsHandleCreated || ctl.parent != this) return; 12700if (c.IsHandleCreated && c.parent == this) { 13261if (parent != null) { 13262parent.UpdateChildZOrder(this); 14075if (parent != null && UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(window, InternalHandle)) == parent.InternalHandle && 14080parent.UpdateChildControlIndex(this); 14758if (value.parent == owner) { 14765if (value.parent != null) { 14766value.parent.Controls.Remove(value); 14796Control oldParent = value.parent; 14804if (oldParent != value.parent && (owner.state & STATE_CREATED) != 0) {