5 writes to connectionPoint
System.Windows.Forms (5)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AxHost.cs (5)
3713if (cpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref tmp, out connectionPoint) != NativeMethods.S_OK) { 3714connectionPoint = null; 3718connectionPoint = null; 3739connectionPoint = null; 3801connectionPoint = null;
11 references to connectionPoint
System.Windows.Forms (11)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AxHost.cs (11)
3721if (connectionPoint == null) { 3732int hr = connectionPoint.Advise(sink, ref cookie); 3738Marshal.ReleaseComObject(connectionPoint); 3753if (connectionPoint == null || cookie == 0) { 3754if (connectionPoint != null) { 3755Marshal.ReleaseComObject(connectionPoint); 3779if (connectionPoint != null && cookie != 0) { 3781connectionPoint.Unadvise(cookie); 3793Marshal.ReleaseComObject(connectionPoint); 3809if (connectionPoint != null && cookie != 0) { 3833return connectionPoint != null && cookie != 0;