4 writes to row
System.Windows.Forms (4)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGrid.cs (4)
6500ci.row = GetRowFromY(y); 6517ci.row = GetRowFromY(y); 9347row = col = -1; 9352row = col = -1;
25 references to row
System.Windows.Forms (25)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGrid.cs (25)
4044RowAutoResize(location.row); 4048RowResizeBegin(e, location.row); 4099if (!(DataGridRows[location.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 4101CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(location.row, currentCol); 4102if (location.row != savedCurrentRow && 4103this.currentRow != location.row && 4112if (IsSelected(location.row)) 4113UnSelect(location.row); 4115Select(location.row); 4121Select(location.row); 4125int lowerRow = Math.Min(lastRowSelected, location.row); 4126int upperRow = Math.Max(lastRowSelected, location.row); 4149lastRowSelected = location.row; 4165if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[location.col].MouseDown(location.row, e.X, e.Y)) 4167DataGridCell target = new DataGridCell(location.row, location.col); 6501if (ci.row < 0) 6506int bottomBorder = GetRowTop(ci.row) + localGridRows[ci.row].Height; 6507if (bottomBorder - y - BorderWidth < 2 && !(localGridRows[ci.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 6518if (ci.col < 0 || ci.row < 0) return HitTestInfo.Nowhere; 9372return row; 9395row == ci.row && 9406return(int)type +(row << 8) +(col << 16); 9414return "{ " + ((type).ToString()) + "," + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + col.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}";