8 writes to text
System.Windows.Forms (8)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (8)
1560text = WindowText; 1568text = (string)Properties.GetObject(PropCacheTextField, out found); 4058text = value; 4558text = null; 4561text = value; 8893text = Text; 8894if (text != null && text.Length == 0) text = null; 13277text = null;
12 references to text
System.Windows.Forms (12)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (12)
1558Properties.SetObject(PropCacheTextField, text); 1559if (text == null) { 1865cp.Caption = text; 4041return(text == null) ? "" : text; 4525if (text == null) { 4529return text; 8791if (text != null && text.Length != 0) { 8792UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowText(new HandleRef(this, Handle), text); 8894if (text != null && text.Length == 0) text = null;