14 writes to negOffset
System.Windows.Forms (14)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewMethods.cs (14)
4191this.negOffset = 0; 4199this.negOffset = 0; 4222this.negOffset = 0; 4229this.negOffset = 0; 4236this.negOffset = dataGridViewColumn.Thickness - (cx - this.horizontalOffset); 4608this.negOffset = 0; 4648this.negOffset = 0; 4653this.negOffset -= displayWidth - cx; 4686this.negOffset = dataGridViewColumn.Thickness - displayWidth + cx; 14811this.horizontalOffset = this.negOffset = 0; 14817this.horizontalOffset = this.negOffset = 0; 17619this.negOffset = 0; 17630this.negOffset = GetNegOffsetFromHorizontalOffset(this.horizontalOffset); 17635this.horizontalOffset = this.negOffset = 0;
33 references to negOffset
System.Windows.Forms (33)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridView.cs (1)
3077return this.negOffset;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewMethods.cs (32)
4227if (this.negOffset != this.horizontalOffset) 4624cx -= this.negOffset; 4641if (this.negOffset > 0) 4644if (displayWidth - cx > this.negOffset) 4646cx += this.negOffset; 4647this.horizontalOffset -= this.negOffset; 4660Debug.Assert(this.negOffset == 0); 4679Debug.Assert(this.negOffset == 0); 4691Debug.Assert(this.negOffset == GetNegOffsetFromHorizontalOffset(this.horizontalOffset)); 5549if (this.negOffset > 0) 5551cx -= this.negOffset; 8332cx += this.negOffset; 8336cx -= this.negOffset; 8352viewedColumnWidth -= this.negOffset; 8449cx += this.negOffset; 8453cx -= this.negOffset; 8560x += this.negOffset; 8564x -= this.negOffset; 8808(this.negOffset > 0 || 8954(this.negOffset > 0 || 17618this.horizontalOffset -= this.negOffset; 19959scrollingBounds.X -= this.negOffset; 19961scrollingBounds.Width += this.negOffset; 19966if (this.negOffset > 0) 20028if (this.negOffset > 0) 26128(columnIndex != this.displayedBandsInfo.FirstDisplayedScrollingCol || this.negOffset > 0)) 26142if (this.negOffset > 0) 26148else if (columnIndex == this.displayedBandsInfo.FirstDisplayedScrollingCol && this.negOffset > 0) 26183xColumnRightEdge -= this.negOffset; 26202xColumnRightEdge += this.negOffset; 26266if (this.negOffset > 0) 26280if (this.negOffset == 0)