2 writes to visibleRows
System.Windows.Forms (2)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\PropertyGridView.cs (2)
4530visibleRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(((double)size.Height)/(1+RowHeight)); 4547visibleRows = rgipesAll.Count - scroll;
28 references to visibleRows
System.Windows.Forms (28)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\PropertyGridView.cs (28)
1581if (row < 0 || row >= this.visibleRows) { 1944if (visibleRows == -1 || totalProps == -1 || !HasEntries) { 3033int offset = next ? visibleRows - 1 : 1 - visibleRows; 3048row = visibleRows - 1; 3370newOffset = Math.Min(newOffset, totalProps - visibleRows+1); 3401newOffset = Math.Min(newOffset, totalProps - visibleRows+1); 3414if (this.scrollBar.Value > (scrollBar.Maximum-visibleRows+1)) { 3448int endRow = visibleRows - 1; 3471int cPropsVisible = Math.Min(totalProps - GetScrollOffset(),1+visibleRows); 3775bool lastRow = (selectedRow+1) == visibleRows; 3807bool selectionVisible = (selectedGridEntry != null && selectedRow >=0 && selectedRow <= visibleRows); 4280if (curRow >=0 && curRow < visibleRows-1) { 4389if (row < 0 || row >= visibleRows) { 4546if ((scroll + visibleRows) >= rgipesAll.Count) { 4559Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DebugGridView.TraceVerbose, "\tvisibleRows:" + (visibleRows).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 4608int countFromEnd = visibleRows - row; 4638if (value && newItems > 0 && newItems < visibleRows && (row + (newItems)) >= visibleRows && newItems < curRow) { 4665int posNew = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(totalProps - visibleRows + 1, cOffset)); 4667if (posNew != posOld && IsScrollValueValid(posNew) && visibleRows > 0) { 4879if (totalProps < visibleRows) { 4883SetScrollOffset((totalProps+1) - visibleRows); 4887if (visibleRows > 0) { 4888ScrollBar.LargeChange = visibleRows-1; 4891if (fHidden != (totalProps < visibleRows)) { 5389m.Result = (IntPtr)Math.Min(visibleRows, totalProps); 7803if (itemRow < gridView.visibleRows) {