3 writes to buttons
System.Windows.Forms (3)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolBar.cs (3)
1168buttons = new ToolBarButton[4]; 1173buttons = newButtons; 1984owner.buttons = null;
44 references to buttons
System.Windows.Forms (44)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolBar.cs (44)
379if (IsHandleCreated && buttons != null && buttonCount > 0) { 701if (buttons == null || buttonCount == 0 || !IsHandleCreated) { 710for (firstVisible = 0; firstVisible < buttons.Length; firstVisible++) { 711if (buttons[firstVisible] != null && buttons[firstVisible].Visible) { 715if (firstVisible == buttons.Length) { 771if (!IsHandleCreated || buttons == null) 1132if (buttons != null && buttonSize.IsEmpty && IsHandleCreated) { 1142tbbi.cx = buttons[x].Width; 1167if (buttons == null) { 1170else if (buttons.Length == buttonCount) { 1172System.Array.Copy(buttons, 0, newButtons, 0, buttonCount); 1177System.Array.Copy(buttons, index, buttons, index + 1, buttonCount - index); 1179buttons[index] = button; 1191if (index < 0 || ((buttons != null) && (index > buttonCount))) 1230buttons[index].parent = null; 1231buttons[index].stringIndex = (IntPtr)(-1); 1232buttons[index] = value; 1233buttons[index].parent = this; 1357if (buttons != null) { 1364if (buttons[x].Text.Length > 0) { 1365string addString = buttons[x].Text + '\0'.ToString(); 1366buttons[x].stringIndex = SendMessage(NativeMethods.TB_ADDSTRING, 0, addString); 1369buttons[x].stringIndex = (IntPtr)(-1); 1381NativeMethods.TBBUTTON tbbutton = buttons[x].GetTBBUTTON(x); 1383buttons[x].parent = this; 1418buttons[index].parent = null; 1419buttons[index].stringIndex = (IntPtr)(-1); 1423System.Array.Copy(buttons, index + 1, buttons, index, buttonCount - index); 1425buttons[buttonCount] = null; 1508s += ", Buttons[0]: " + buttons[0].ToString(); 1534ToolBarButton tbb = (ToolBarButton)buttons[nmTB.iItem]; 1577ToolBarButton tbb = (ToolBarButton) buttons[commandID]; 1599ToolBarButton tbb = (ToolBarButton) buttons[commandID]; 1651ToolBarButton tbb = buttons[id]; 1808if (index < 0 || ((owner.buttons != null) && (index >= owner.buttonCount))) 1810return owner.buttons[index]; 1816if (index < 0 || ((owner.buttons != null) && index >= owner.buttonCount)) { 1973if (owner.buttons == null) { 2024System.Array.Copy(owner.buttons, 0, dest, index, owner.buttonCount); 2117int count = (owner.buttons == null) ? 0 : owner.buttonCount; 2169return new WindowsFormsUtils.ArraySubsetEnumerator(owner.buttons, owner.buttonCount);