27 writes to lastHResult
System.Windows.Forms (27)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\VisualStyles\VisualStyleRenderer.cs (27)
291lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.NativeHandle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), null); 295lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, Handle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), null); 325lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.NativeHandle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), new NativeMethods.COMRECT(clipRectangle)); 329lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, Handle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), new NativeMethods.COMRECT(clipRectangle)); 361lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeEdge( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ), (int) style, (int) edges | (int) effects | EdgeAdjust, rect ); 452lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeParentBackground( new HandleRef( this, childControl.Handle ), hdc, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ) ); 497lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeText( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, textToDraw, textToDraw.Length, (int) flags, disableFlag, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ) ); 520lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeBackgroundContentRect( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ), rect ); 544lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeBackgroundExtent( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( contentBounds ), rect ); 572lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeBackgroundRegion( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ), ref hRegion ); 602lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeBool(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, ref val); 620lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeColor(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, ref color); 638lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeEnumValue(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, ref val); 656lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeFilename(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, filename, filename.Capacity); 684lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeFont( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, (int) prop, logfont ); 727lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeInt(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, ref val); 757lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePartSize(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.NativeHandle), hdc, part, state, null, type, size); 761lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePartSize( new HandleRef(this, Handle), hdc, part, state, null, type, size); 789lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePartSize( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ), type, size ); 809lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePosition(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, point); 834lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeMargins( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, (int) prop, ref margins ); 855lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeString(new HandleRef(this, Handle), part, state, (int)prop, aString, aString.Capacity); 878lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeTextExtent( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, textToDraw, textToDraw.Length, (int) flags, null, rect ); 903lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeTextExtent( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, textToDraw, textToDraw.Length, (int) flags, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( bounds ), rect ); 924lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemeTextMetrics( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, ref tm ); 948lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.HitTestThemeBackground( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, (int) options, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( backgroundRectangle ), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, point, ref htCode ); 991lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.HitTestThemeBackground( new HandleRef( this, Handle ), hdc, part, state, (int) options, new NativeMethods.COMRECT( backgroundRectangle ), new HandleRef( this, hRgn ), point, ref htCode );
2 references to lastHResult
System.Windows.Forms (2)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\VisualStyles\VisualStyleRenderer.cs (2)
690if (NativeMethods.Succeeded(lastHResult)) { 1014return lastHResult;