7 writes to length
System.Windows.Forms (7)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AxHost.cs (7)
6587length = (int)ms.Length; 6599this.length = (int)ms.Length; 6621length = (int)ms.Length; 6768length = br.ReadInt32(); 6776length = br.ReadInt32(); 6793length = (int) stat.cbSize; 6802length = 0;
10 references to length
System.Windows.Forms (10)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AxHost.cs (10)
6693hglobal = UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalAlloc(NativeMethods.GMEM_MOVEABLE, length); 6697Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, pointer, length); 6769if (length > 0) 6770buffer = br.ReadBytes(length); 6777if (length > 0) 6778buffer = br.ReadBytes(length); 6794buffer = new byte[length]; 6799Marshal.Copy(pointer, buffer, 0, length); 6830bw.Write(length); 6839Debug.Assert(length == 0, "if we have no data, then our length has to be 0");