2 writes to Length
System.Windows.Forms (2)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\LinkLabel.cs (2)
256((Link)links[0]).Length = value.Length; 2124l.Length = length;
15 references to Length
System.Windows.Forms (15)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\LinkConverter.cs (3)
122args[nArg++] = intConverter.ConvertToString(context, culture, link.Length); 133return new InstanceDescriptor(info, new object[] {link.Start, link.Length}, true); 139return new InstanceDescriptor(info, new object[] {link.Start, link.Length, link.LinkData}, true);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\LinkLabel.cs (12)
235return new LinkArea(((Link)links[0]).Start, ((Link)links[0]).Length); 666int charEnd = ConvertToCharIndex(link.Start + link.Length, text); 763int charEnd = ConvertToCharIndex(link.Start + link.Length, text); 765int length = (int) Math.Min(link.Length, textLen - link.Start); 1520int charEnd = ConvertToCharIndex(link.Start + link.Length, text); 1615charEnd = ConvertToCharIndex(test.Start + test.Length, text); 1630charEnd = ConvertToCharIndex(test.Start + test.Length, text); 1839if (left.Length < 0) { 1847int minEnd = Math.Min(left.Start + left.Length, right.Start + right.Length); 2135if (value != null && value.Length != 0) { 2776int charEnd = LinkLabel.ConvertToCharIndex(link.Start + link.Length, text);