1 write to _chart
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (1)
WinForm\Utilities\AccessibleObject.cs (1)
62this._chart = chart;
18 references to _chart
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (18)
WinForm\Utilities\AccessibleObject.cs (18)
148if (this._chart != null) 151foreach (Title title in this._chart.Titles) 164foreach (Legend legend in this._chart.Legends) 170foreach (ChartArea chartArea in this._chart.ChartAreas) 176foreach (Annotation annotation in this._chart.Annotations) 261if (this._chart != null && 262this._chart.chartPicture != null && 263this._chart.chartPicture.Common != null && 264this._chart.chartPicture.Common.HotRegionsList != null) 267if (this._chart.chartPicture.Common.HotRegionsList.List == null || 268this._chart.chartPicture.Common.HotRegionsList.List.Count == 0) 270this._chart.HitTest(0, 0); 274foreach (HotRegion hotRegion in this._chart.chartPicture.Common.HotRegionsList.List) 304absolute.X = bounds.X * (this._chart.Width - 1) / 100F; 305absolute.Y = bounds.Y * (this._chart.Height - 1) / 100F; 306absolute.Width = bounds.Width * (this._chart.Width - 1) / 100F; 307absolute.Height = bounds.Height * (this._chart.Height - 1) / 100F; 331rect = this._chart.RectangleToScreen(rect);