21 writes to X
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (21)
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (1)
2243 _areaProjectionCenter.X = _areaProjectionCenter.Y;
Common\General\Axis.cs (2)
6434axisPoints[0].X = (float)Math.Round(axisPoints[0].X, 4); 6436axisPoints[1].X = (float)Math.Round(axisPoints[1].X, 4);
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (18)
422 point.X -= _translateX; 461 point.X = point.X - _shiftX; 496 point.X = point.X + ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * yFactor; 512 point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor); 527 point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / _scale; 783 point.X = resultVector[0]; 864 _lightVectors[1].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 869 _lightVectors[2].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 874 _lightVectors[3].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 879 _lightVectors[4].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 884 _lightVectors[5].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 889 _lightVectors[6].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 1044 firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X; 1049 secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X; 1055 normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y; 1135 firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X; 1140 secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X; 1146 normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y;
149 references to X
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (149)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (6)
2224anchorX = annot3DPoints[0].X; 2742 relativeX = annot3DPoints[0].X; 2744 anchorX = annot3DPoints[2].X; 2750 relativeWidth = annot3DPoints[1].X - relativeX; 3531 anchorX = annot3DPoints[0].X; 4092anchorX = annot3DPoints[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (6)
2102(rotationCenterProjection[1].X - rotationCenterProjection[0].X)); 2242 float val = _areaProjectionCenter.X; 2328 if(!float.IsNaN(_areaProjectionCenter.X)) 2330 if((point1.xPosition + point1.width / 2f) >= _areaProjectionCenter.X && 2331 (point2.xPosition + point2.width / 2f) >= _areaProjectionCenter.X)
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (5)
766 xPosition = points[0].X; 1224 rectSize.X = (float)(points[0].X - width/2); 1341 xPosition = points[0].X; 1357 xPosition = points[0].X; 1444 xPosition = points[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (1)
1361labelPosition.X = marker3DPosition[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (4)
834 xPosition = points[0].X; 1336 xPosition = points[0].X; 1352 xPosition = points[0].X; 1472 xPosition = points[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
615 firstPointX = points[0].X; 617 secondPointX = points[1].X;
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (1)
454 location.X = points[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (2)
2014(rotationCenterProjection[1].X - rotationCenterProjection[0].X));
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (1)
1882labelPosition.X = marker3DPosition[0].X;
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (4)
1262 xPosition = points[0].X; 1355 xPosition = points[0].X; 1638 rect.Width = (float)Math.Abs(points[1].X - points[0].X);
Common\General\Axis.cs (10)
2355(rotationCenterPoints[1].X - rotationCenterPoints[0].X)); 2375(rotationCenterPoints[1].X - rotationCenterPoints[0].X) / 6434axisPoints[0].X = (float)Math.Round(axisPoints[0].X, 4); 6436axisPoints[1].X = (float)Math.Round(axisPoints[1].X, 4); 6443angle = Math.Atan((axisPoints[1].Y - axisPoints[0].Y) / (axisPoints[1].X - axisPoints[0].X)); 6447angle = Math.Atan((axisPoints[1].X - axisPoints[0].X) / (axisPoints[1].Y - axisPoints[0].Y));
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (51)
432if (Math.Abs(points[0].X - points[1].X) > Math.Abs(points[0].Y - points[1].Y)) 434path.AddLine(points[0].X, points[0].Y - 1, points[1].X, points[1].Y - 1); 435path.AddLine(points[1].X, points[1].Y + 1, points[0].X, points[0].Y + 1); 440path.AddLine(points[0].X - 1, points[0].Y, points[1].X - 1, points[1].Y); 441path.AddLine(points[1].X + 1, points[1].Y, points[0].X + 1, points[0].Y); 2219 float minX = (float)Math.Min(points3D[0].X, points3D[1].X); 2221 float maxX = (float)Math.Max(points3D[0].X, points3D[1].X); 2961 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2962 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2963 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2964 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2968 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2969 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2970 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2971 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2975 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2976 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2977 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2978 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2982 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2983 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2984 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2985 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2989 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2990 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2991 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2992 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2996 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2997 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2998 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2999 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 3818 float a = ( first.Y - second.Y ) / ( first.X - second.X ); 3819 float b = first.Y - a * first.X; 3820 if( first.X == second.X ) 3824 if( tree.X > first.X ) 3835 if( tree.X > first.X ) 3845 else if ( first.X < second.X ) 3847 if( tree.Y < a * tree.X + b ) 3858 if( tree.Y <= a * tree.X + b )
Common\General\Label.cs (11)
2308rect.Width = rectPoints[1].X - rect.X; 2318rect.Width = rect.Right - rectPoints[1].X; 2319rect.X = rectPoints[1].X; 2331rect.X = rectPoints[0].X; 2332rect.Width = rectPoints[2].X - rect.X; 2340rect.X = rectPoints[1].X; 2349rect.Width = rectPoints[1].X - rightLabelsRect.X; 2362rect.X = rectPoints[0].X; 2363rect.Width = rectPoints[2].X - rect.X; 2372rect.X = rectPoints[1].X; 2387rect.Width = rectPoints[1].X - rightLabelsRect.X;
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (41)
329 if( point.X - _translateX < 0F && Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ) > minX ) 330 minX = Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ); 332 if( point.X - _translateX >=0F && Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ) > maxX ) 333 maxX = Math.Abs( point.X - _translateX ); 357 if( maxXScale < Math.Abs(point.X - _translateX) / width * 2 ) 358 maxXScale = Math.Abs(point.X - _translateX) / width * 2; 461 point.X = point.X - _shiftX; 496 point.X = point.X + ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * yFactor; 512 point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor); 527 point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / _scale; 774 inputVector[0] = point.X; 864 _lightVectors[1].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 869 _lightVectors[2].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 874 _lightVectors[3].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 879 _lightVectors[4].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 884 _lightVectors[5].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 889 _lightVectors[6].X -= _lightVectors[0].X; 1044 firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X; 1049 secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X; 1056 normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z; 1057 normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X; 1135 firstVector.X = points[0].X - points[1].X; 1140 secondVector.X = points[2].X - points[1].X; 1147 normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z; 1148 normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X; 1215 angle = Math.Acos( ( a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z ) / ( Math.Sqrt( a.X * a.X + a.Y * a.Y + a.Z * a.Z ) * Math.Sqrt( b.X * b.X + b.Y * b.Y + b.Z * b.Z ) ) );
Common\General\StripLine.cs (4)
713size.Width *= size.Width / (textSizeProjection[index].X - textSizeProjection[(index == 0) ? 1 : 0].X); 788(rotationCenterProjection[1].X - rotationCenterProjection[0].X));