1 write to Top
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (1)
Common\Converters\LegendConverters.cs (1)
393margins.Top = int.Parse(values[0].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
14 references to Top
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (14)
Common\Converters\LegendConverters.cs (1)
364 margins.Top,
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (12)
476 if(this._margins.Top == 0 && 768 newCell.Margins = new Margins(this.Margins.Top, this.Margins.Bottom, this.Margins.Left, this.Margins.Right); 1315 if(this._margins.Top == 0 && 1448 this.cellPosition.Y += (int)(this.Margins.Top * singleWCharacterSize.Height / 100f); 1451 this.cellPosition.Height -= (int)(this.Margins.Top * singleWCharacterSize.Height / 100f) 1539 cellSize.Height += (int)((this.Margins.Top + this.Margins.Bottom) * singleWCharacterSize.Height / 100f); 2698 this.Top, 2719 if(this.Top == margins.Top && 2737 return this.Top.GetHashCode() + this.Bottom.GetHashCode() + this.Left.GetHashCode() + this.Right.GetHashCode(); 2748 return (this.Top == 0 && this.Bottom == 0 && this.Left == 0 && this.Right ==0); 2757 return new RectangleF(this.Left, this.Top, this.Right, this.Bottom);
Common\Utilities\XmlSerializer.cs (1)
2778 writer.Write(((Margins)obj).Top);