2 writes to _pen
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (2)
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (2)
5623 _pen = new Pen(Color.Black); 5761_pen = null;
33 references to _pen
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (33)
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (33)
226 if(_pen.Color != color) 228 _pen.Color = color; 232 if(_pen.Width != width) 234 _pen.Width = width; 238 if(_pen.DashStyle != GetPenStyle( style )) 240 _pen.DashStyle = GetPenStyle( style ); 258this.DrawLine(_pen, 3630 if(_pen.Color != borderColor) 3632 _pen.Color = borderColor; 3636 if(_pen.Width != borderWidth) 3638 _pen.Width = borderWidth; 3642 if(_pen.Alignment != penAlignment) 3644 _pen.Alignment = penAlignment; 3648 if(_pen.DashStyle != GetPenStyle( borderDashStyle )) 3650 _pen.DashStyle = GetPenStyle( borderDashStyle ); 3656 this.DrawCircleAbs( _pen, null, rect, circularSectorsCount, false ); 3662 if(_pen.Alignment == PenAlignment.Inset && _pen.Width > 1f) 3669 this.DrawRectangle( _pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height ); 4155 _pen.Color = borderColor; 4158 _pen.Width = borderWidth; 4161 _pen.Alignment = penAlignment; 4164 _pen.DashStyle = GetPenStyle( borderDashStyle ); 4290 this.DrawRectangle( _pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width + 1, rect.Height + 1 ); 4292 this.DrawRectangle( _pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height ); 4459 _pen.Color = borderColor; 4460 _pen.Width = borderWidth; 4461 _pen.Alignment = penAlignment; 4462 _pen.DashStyle = GetPenStyle( borderDashStyle ); 4589 this.DrawPath( _pen, path ); 5663get { return _pen; } 5758if (_pen != null) 5760_pen.Dispose();