267 instantiations of Point3D
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (267)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (6)
2218annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 2734 annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)relativeX, (float)relativeY, positionZ); 2735 annot3DPoints[1] = new Point3D((float)(relativeX + relativeWidth), (float)(relativeY + relativeHeight), positionZ); 2736 annot3DPoints[2] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 3525 annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 4086annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (12)
1511 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1512 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1513 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1517 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1518 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1519 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1527 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1528 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1529 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1533 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1534 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1535 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ );
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
1775 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth/2f)); 2083 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 2084 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2213 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (9)
764 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition); 1173 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1174 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1175 points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[2]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1176 points[3] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[3]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1177 points[4] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[4]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1178 points[5] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[5]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1441 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1442 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (1)
1358marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (5)
832 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition); 1305 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1306 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1469 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1470 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
606 points[0] = new Point3D(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate); 607 points[1] = new Point3D(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (1)
452 points[0] = new Point3D(location.X, location.Y, this.seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (30)
3079 points[(int)PiePoints.Top180] = new Point3D( 3085 points[(int)PiePoints.Bottom180] = new Point3D( 3091 points[(int)PiePoints.Top0] = new Point3D( 3097 points[(int)PiePoints.Bottom0] = new Point3D( 3103 points[(int)PiePoints.TopStart] = new Point3D( 3109 points[(int)PiePoints.TopEnd] = new Point3D( 3115 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomStart] = new Point3D( 3121 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomEnd] = new Point3D( 3127 points[(int)PiePoints.TopCenter] = new Point3D( 3133 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomCenter] = new Point3D( 3139 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine] = new Point3D( 3156 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLineout] = new Point3D( 3164 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter] = new Point3D( 3171 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter] = new Point3D( 3179 points[(int)PiePoints.TopRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,pieWidth); 3182 points[(int)PiePoints.TopRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,pieWidth); 3185 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,0); 3188 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,0); 3193 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTop180] = new Point3D( 3199 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottom180] = new Point3D( 3205 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTop0] = new Point3D( 3211 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottom0] = new Point3D( 3217 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopStart] = new Point3D( 3223 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopEnd] = new Point3D( 3229 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomStart] = new Point3D( 3235 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomEnd] = new Point3D( 3243 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,pieWidth); 3246 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,pieWidth); 3249 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,0); 3252 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,0);
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1192 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + ((this.middleMarker) ? pointEx.depth/2f : pointEx.depth))); 1745 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (27)
1481 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1482 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1483 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1487 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1488 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1489 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1497 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1498 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1499 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1503 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1504 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1505 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1541 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1542 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1543 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1547 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1548 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1549 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1557 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1558 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1559 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1563 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1564 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1565 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1702 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1703 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1704 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)thirdPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.yPosition, positionZ);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (1)
1511points[0] = new Point3D((float)pointEx.xPosition, (float)(pointEx.yPosition + pointEx.height) / 2f, positionZ + depth);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (2)
1996 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 1997 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) };
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (1)
1879marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (17)
1243 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1244 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1352 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1353 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1634 points[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, zPosition + depth/2f); 1635 points[1] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, zPosition + depth/2f); 1678points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1679points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1680points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1705points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1706points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1707points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1734 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition - width/2f, open, zPosition + depth/2f); 1735 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth/2f); 1752 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth/2f); 1753 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width/2f, close, zPosition + depth/2f); 1895 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(
Common\General\Axis.cs (15)
2341 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2342 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition) }; 2360 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2361 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPosition) }; 2696points3D[i] = new Point3D(points[i].X, points[i].Y, zPositon); 2800new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2801new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2830new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2831new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2862new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 2894new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f), 6421axisPoints[0] = new Point3D(0f, axisPosition, zPosition); 6422axisPoints[1] = new Point3D(100f, axisPosition, zPosition); 6426axisPoints[0] = new Point3D(axisPosition, 0f, zPosition); 6427axisPoints[1] = new Point3D(axisPosition, 100f, zPosition);
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (75)
350 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 351 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 372 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 388 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 1213 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1214 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1215 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)thirdPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1216 points3D[3] = new Point3D((float)fourthPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1469 points3D[index] = new Point3D(polygonPointsFront[index].X, polygonPointsFront[index].Y, positionZ); 2090 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth); 2091 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth); 2092 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 2093 points3D[3] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 2866 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 2867 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 2868 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 2869 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 2872 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ ); 2873 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 2874 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 2875 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ ); 3103 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3104 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3105 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3106 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3109 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X + position.Width / 2f, position.Top + sizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3110 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X + position.Width / 2f, position.Bottom - sizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3114 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X + sizeRel.Width, position.Top + position.Height / 2f, positionZ + depth ); 3115 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Right - sizeRel.Width, position.Top + position.Height / 2f, positionZ + depth ); 3260 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3261 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3262 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3263 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3316 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3317 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3318 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3319 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3372 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3373 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3374 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3375 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3376 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3377 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3403 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3404 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3405 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3406 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3407 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3408 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3483 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ); 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3734 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3735 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3736 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3737 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3740 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ ); 3741 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3742 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3743 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ ); 3979 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3980 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3981 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3982 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3985 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3986 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3987 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3988 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Y, positionZ ); 3992 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3993 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3994 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3995 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3998 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Right, middleYValue, positionZ + depth ); 3999 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, middleYValue, positionZ + depth ); 4000 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.X, middleYValue, positionZ ); 4001 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, middleYValue, positionZ );
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (11)
866 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 873 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, axisPosition, wallZPosition); 881 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, axisPosition, wallZPosition); 907 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 914 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 922 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 948 point4 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f); 955 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 964 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 983 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, wallZPosition), 984 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, wallZPosition),
Common\General\Label.cs (13)
2302rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2303rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f, labelsZPosition); 2304rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2312rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2313rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f, labelsZPosition); 2314rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2324rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2325rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2326rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2355rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2356rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2357rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2465labelPositionPoints[0] = new Point3D(initialRect.X, initialRect.Bottom - _axis.totlaGroupingLabelsSize - _axis.totlaGroupingLabelsSizeAdjustment, labelsZPosition);
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (24)
804 points[0] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2); 805 points[1] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2); 806 points[2] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, dz/2); 807 points[3] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, dz/2); 812 points[4] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2); 813 points[5] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2); 814 points[6] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2); 815 points[7] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2); 835 _lightVectors[0] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 0F ); 838 _lightVectors[1] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 841 _lightVectors[2] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 844 _lightVectors[3] = new Point3D( -1F, 0F, 0F ); 847 _lightVectors[4] = new Point3D( 1F, 0F, 0F ); 850 _lightVectors[5] = new Point3D( 0F, -1F, 0F ); 853 _lightVectors[6] = new Point3D( 0F, 1F, 0F ); 944 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 981 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1028 lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1043 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1048 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1054 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1134 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1139 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1145 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D();
Common\General\Selection.cs (3)
3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3308annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D(pf.X, pf.Y, positionZ);
Common\General\StripLine.cs (6)
704textSizeProjection[0] = new Point3D(0f, 0f, zPositon); 705textSizeProjection[1] = new Point3D(size.Width, 0f, zPositon); 706textSizeProjection[2] = new Point3D(0f, size.Height, zPositon); 757rotationCenterProjection[0] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon); 760rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPositon); 764rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon);
155 references to Point3D
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (155)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (8)
2217Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1]; 2733 Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[3]; 3524 Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1]; 4085Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (2)
1505 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[3];
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (5)
1774 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 2082Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[] { 2213 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (6)
763 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1]; 1172 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[6]; 1440 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (2)
1357Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (6)
831 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1]; 1304 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1468 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
599 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (2)
450 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
3063 Point3D [] points; 3069 points = new Point3D[29]; 3074 points = new Point3D[17]; 3261 foreach( Point3D point in points )
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (4)
1191 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 1744 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (5)
1475 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[3]; 1535 cubePoints = new Point3D[3]; 1701 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[3];
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (2)
1510Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (2)
1995Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[] {
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (2)
1878Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (14)
1242 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1351 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1633 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1677Point3D[] points = new Point3D[3]; 1733 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1751 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1894 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\Axis.cs (7)
2336Point3D[] rotationCenterPoints = null; 2340rotationCenterPoints = new Point3D[] { 2359rotationCenterPoints = new Point3D[] { 2693Point3D[] points3D = new Point3D[points.Length]; 6418Point3D[] axisPoints = new Point3D[2];
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (31)
414 Point3D firstPoint, 415 Point3D secondPoint, 423 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[] {firstPoint, secondPoint}; 1212 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[4]; 1466 Point3D[] points3D = new Point3D[nonNullPoints]; 2089 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[4]; 2861 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8]; 3102 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[6]; 3259 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[4]; 3315 gradientPoints = new Point3D[4]; 3371 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[6]; 3482 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3731 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8]; 3758 internal SurfaceNames GetVisibleSurfacesWithPerspective(Point3D[] cubePoints) 3814 internal static bool IsSurfaceVisible( Point3D first, Point3D second, Point3D tree ) 3970 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8];
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (1)
852 Point3D point3 = null, point4 = null;
Common\General\Label.cs (4)
2299Point3D[] rectPoints = new Point3D[3]; 2464Point3D[] labelPositionPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (36)
163 Point3D [] _lightVectors = new Point3D[7]; 262 Point3D [] points = Set3DBarPoints( width, height, depth ); 298 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 327 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 351 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 381 public void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points ) 408 private void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points, bool withPerspective ) 420 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 457 private void RightAngleShift( Point3D [] points ) 459 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 470 private void RightAngleProjection( Point3D [] points ) 494 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 505 private void ApplyPerspective( Point3D [] points ) 510 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 523 private void Scale( Point3D [] points ) 525 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 763 private void GetValues( Point3D [] points ) 771 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 797 private Point3D [] Set3DBarPoints( float dx, float dy, float dz ) 799 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[8]; 944 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 945 Point3D [] rightPRpoints = new Point3D[1]; 981 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1021internal Color GetPolygonLight(Point3D[] points, Color surfaceColor, bool visiblePolygon, float rotation, SurfaceNames surfaceName, bool switchSeriesOrder) 1027 Point3D lightSource; 1043 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1048 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1054 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1134 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1139 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1145 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1211 private float GetAngle(Point3D a,Point3D b)
Common\General\Selection.cs (6)
3104Point3D[] points = new Point3D[list1.Count]; 3144Point3D[] points = new Point3D[list1.Count]; 3307Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\StripLine.cs (4)
702Point3D[] textSizeProjection = new Point3D[3]; 756Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[2];