3 types derived from Panel
System.Web (3)
UI\WebControls\Adapters\MenuAdapter.cs (1)
651private class SpanPanel : Panel {
UI\WebControls\PopOutPanel.cs (1)
21internal sealed class PopOutPanel : Panel {
UI\WebParts\Part.cs (1)
23public abstract class Part : Panel, INamingContainer, ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor {
1 instantiation of Panel
System.Web (1)
UI\WebControls\Adapters\MenuAdapter.cs (1)
159_menuPanel = new Panel();
3 references to Panel
System.Web (3)
UI\WebControls\Adapters\MenuAdapter.cs (2)
21private Panel _menuPanel; 339Panel itemPanel = new SpanPanel();
UI\WebControls\Panel.cs (1)
32/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel'/> class.