4 types derived from Table
System.Web (4)
UI\WebControls\ChildTable.cs (1)
26internal class ChildTable : Table {
UI\WebControls\LayoutTable.cs (1)
19internal sealed class LayoutTable : Table {
UI\WebControls\PagerTable.cs (1)
19internal sealed class PagerTable : Table {
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (1)
3753internal class WizardDefaultInnerTable : Table {
24 instantiations of Table
System.Web (24)
Handlers\TraceHandler.cs (6)
221Table table = new Table(); 249table = new Table(); 331Table table = new Table(); 426Table table = new Table(); 506Table table = new Table(); 560Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\Calendar.cs (2)
1256Table table = new Table(); 1670Table titleTable = new Table();
UI\WebControls\ChangePassword.cs (2)
2698Table table = new Table(); 3002Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (1)
2315Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\DataList.cs (1)
1357outerTable = new Table();
UI\WebControls\login.cs (4)
1894Table table = new Table(); 1989Table table = new Table(); 2085Table table = new Table(); 2190Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\LoginUtil.cs (1)
68return new Table();
UI\WebControls\PasswordRecovery.cs (5)
2327Table table = new Table(); 2424Table table = new Table(); 2540Table table = new Table(); 2640Table table = new Table(); 2715Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\RepeatInfo.cs (2)
172outerControl = new Table(); 411outerControl = new Table();
118 references to Table
System.Web (118)
Handlers\TraceHandler.cs (12)
162Table table; 221Table table = new Table(); 306static private TableRow AddRow(Table t) { 330static internal Table CreateControlTable(DataTable datatable) { 331Table table = new Table(); 425static internal Table CreateTraceTable(DataTable datatable) { 426Table table = new Table(); 501static internal Table CreateTable(DataTable datatable) { 505static internal Table CreateTable(DataTable datatable, bool encodeSpaces) { 506Table table = new Table(); 559static internal Table CreateDetailsTable(DataTable datatable) { 560Table table = new Table();
UI\WebControls\Calendar.cs (3)
848private void ApplyTitleStyle(TableCell titleCell, Table titleTable, TableItemStyle titleStyle) { 1256Table table = new Table(); 1670Table titleTable = new Table();
UI\WebControls\ChangePassword.cs (4)
2698Table table = new Table(); 2735Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 3002Table table = new Table(); 3155Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate);
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (25)
2092Table table = ((CompleteStepContainer)(CompleteStep.ContentTemplateContainer)).LayoutTable; 2314private static Table CreateTable() { 2315Table table = new Table(); 3097Table table = CreateTable(); 3109private static void AddTitleRow(Table table, CompleteStepContainer container) { 3114private static void AddSuccessTextRow(Table table, CompleteStepContainer container) { 3122private static void AddContinueRow(Table table, CompleteStepContainer container) { 3130private static void AddEditRow(Table table, CompleteStepContainer container) { 3250Table table = CreateTable(); 3271private static void AddTitleRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3276private static void AddInstructionRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3282private void AddUserNameRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3290private void AddPasswordRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3303private void AddPasswordHintRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3317private void AddConfirmPasswordRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3330private void AddEmailRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3339private void AddQuestionRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3348private void AddAnswerRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3357private void AddPasswordCompareValidatorRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3363private void AddPasswordRegexValidatorRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3369private void AddEmailRegexValidatorRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3375private static void AddErrorMessageRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3380private static void AddHelpPageLinkRow(Table table, CreateUserStepContainer container) { 3419Table table = CreateTable(); 3788internal Table LayoutTable { get; set; }
UI\WebControls\DataControlLinkButton.cs (1)
91((i == 2) && (control is Table)));
UI\WebControls\DataControlPagerLinkButton.cs (2)
49((i == 2) && (control is Table)) || 52((i == 5) && (control is Table)));
UI\WebControls\DataGrid.cs (3)
1100Table table = new ChildTable(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) ? null : ClientID); 1642Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0];
UI\WebControls\DataGridLinkButton.cs (1)
44((i == 2) && (control is Table)));
UI\WebControls\DataList.cs (3)
1312if (c is Table) { 1313IEnumerator rowEnum = ((Table)c).Rows.GetEnumerator(); 1338Table outerTable = null;
UI\WebControls\DataListItem.cs (3)
129Table templateTable = null; 135if (c is Table) { 136templateTable = (Table)c;
UI\WebControls\DetailsView.cs (5)
1624Table table = CreateTable(); 2136protected virtual Table CreateTable() { 3226Debug.Assert(Controls[0] is Table); 3228Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0];
UI\WebControls\FormView.cs (5)
1393Table table = CreateTable(); 1831protected virtual Table CreateTable() { 2771Debug.Assert(Controls[0] is Table); 2773Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0];
UI\WebControls\GridView.cs (4)
2034Table table = CreateChildTable(); 2318protected virtual Table CreateChildTable() { 3955Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0];
UI\WebControls\login.cs (8)
1894Table table = new Table(); 1976Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 1989Table table = new Table(); 2072Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2085Table table = new Table(); 2177Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2190Table table = new Table(); 2278Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate);
UI\WebControls\LoginUtil.cs (5)
66internal static Table CreateChildTable(bool convertingToTemplate) { 246private Table _layoutTable; 247private Table _borderTable; 259internal Table BorderTable { 270internal Table LayoutTable {
UI\WebControls\PasswordRecovery.cs (10)
2327Table table = new Table(); 2411Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2424Table table = new Table(); 2506Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2540Table table = new Table(); 2550Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2640Table table = new Table(); 2702Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate); 2715Table table = new Table(); 2773Table table2 = LoginUtil.CreateChildTable(_owner.ConvertingToTemplate);
UI\WebControls\RepeatInfo.cs (4)
174((Table)outerControl).Caption = Caption; 175((Table)outerControl).CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; 413((Table)outerControl).Caption = Caption; 414((Table)outerControl).CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign;
UI\WebControls\Table.cs (2)
33/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'/> class. 149/// <para>Gets or sets the gridlines property of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'/>
UI\WebControls\TableCellCollection.cs (1)
18/// <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'/>
UI\WebControls\TableRow.cs (2)
104Table parentTable = parent as Table;
UI\WebControls\TableRowCollection.cs (4)
17/// <para>Encapsulates the collection of <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow'/> objects within a <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'/> control.</para> 26/// A protected field of type <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'/>. Represents the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow'/> collection internally. 28private Table owner; 33internal TableRowCollection(Table owner) {
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (11)
2606private Table _renderTable; 2766Table mainContentTable = null; 2782private void CreateControlHierarchy_CreateNavigationArea(Table mainContentTable) { 2790private void CreateControlHierarchy_CreateStepArea(Table mainContentTable) { 2805private void CreateControlHierarchy_CreateHeaderArea(Table mainContentTable) { 2824private Table CreateControlHierarchy_CreateLayoutWithoutSideBar() { 2836private Table CreateControlHierarchy_CreateLayoutWithSideBar() { 2840Table outerTable = new WizardChildTable(Owner) { 3035Table table = new WizardDefaultInnerTable(); 3215private Table _table; 3240protected Table Table {