1 override of WizardSteps
System.Web (1)
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (1)
1644public override WizardStepCollection WizardSteps {
41 references to WizardSteps
System.Web (41)
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (1)
1646return base.WizardSteps;
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (30)
133if (ActiveStepIndex < -1 || ActiveStepIndex >= WizardSteps.Count) { 154(value >= WizardSteps.Count && ControlState >= ControlState.FrameworkInitialized)) { 1327sideBarList.DataSource = WizardSteps; 1358for (int i = 0; i < WizardSteps.Count; ++i) { 1359TemplatedWizardStep step = WizardSteps[i] as TemplatedWizardStep; 1372string id = GetCustomContainerID(WizardSteps.IndexOf(step)); 1442index = WizardSteps.IndexOf(step); 1502if (oldIndex == -1 && WizardSteps.Count > 0) { 1540list.Add(WizardSteps[index]); 1580Debug.Assert(index > -1 && index < WizardSteps.Count); 1581WizardStepBase step = WizardSteps[index] as WizardStepBase; 1586int index = WizardSteps.IndexOf(step); 1595if (WizardSteps.Count == 1 || 1596(index < WizardSteps.Count - 1 && 1597WizardSteps[index + 1].StepType == WizardStepType.Complete)) { 1607if (index == WizardSteps.Count - 1) { 1718int index = WizardSteps.IndexOf(wizardStep); 1750WizardStepBase step = WizardSteps[oldIndex]; 1776if (oldIndex < WizardSteps.Count - 1) { 1805if (oldIndex < WizardSteps.Count - 1) { 1848return WizardSteps[index].AllowReturn; 1892if (ActiveStepIndex == -1 && WizardSteps.Count > 0 && !DesignMode) { 1950if (ActiveStepIndex == -1 || WizardSteps.Count == 0) { 2156if (Owner.ActiveStepIndex >= Owner.WizardSteps.Count || Owner.ActiveStepIndex < 0) { 2170showPrevious = Owner.WizardSteps[prevStepIndex].AllowReturn; 2217if (previousStepIndex != -1 && !Owner.WizardSteps[previousStepIndex].AllowReturn) { 2255if (previousStepIndex != -1 && !Owner.WizardSteps[previousStepIndex].AllowReturn) { 2629(Owner.ActiveStepIndex < 0 || Owner.ActiveStepIndex >= Owner.WizardSteps.Count || Owner.WizardSteps.Count == 0)) { 3674wizardStep.Owner.WizardSteps.Remove(wizardStep);
UI\WebControls\WizardStepBase.cs (1)
86foreach (WizardStepBase step in Owner.WizardSteps) {
UI\WebParts\RowToFieldTransformer.cs (2)
119Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count == 0); 149WizardSteps.Add(s);
UI\WebParts\RowToParametersTransformer.cs (4)
235Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count == 0); 315WizardSteps.Add(s); 321WizardSteps.Add(s); 325Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count > 0);
UI\WebParts\TransformerConfigurationWizardBase.cs (3)
129StringArraysDifferent(consumerNames, OldConsumerNames) || WizardSteps.Count == 0) { 133WizardSteps.Clear(); 141Debug.Assert(WizardSteps.Count > 0);