4 types derived from TableCell
System.Web (4)
UI\WebControls\DataControlFieldCell.cs (1)
16public class DataControlFieldCell : TableCell {
UI\WebControls\LayoutTableCell.cs (1)
18internal sealed class LayoutTableCell : TableCell {
UI\WebControls\TableHeaderCell.cs (1)
23public class TableHeaderCell : TableCell {
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (1)
3274private class InternalTableCell : TableCell, INamingContainer, INonBindingContainer {
157 instantiations of TableCell
System.Web (157)
Handlers\TraceHandler.cs (1)
320TableCell tcell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\Calendar.cs (2)
1616TableCell cdc = new TableCell(); 1669TableCell titleCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\ChangePassword.cs (24)
2704c = new TableCell(); 2712c = new TableCell(); 2718c = new TableCell(); 2728c = new TableCell(); 2737c = new TableCell(); 3008c = new TableCell(); 3016c = new TableCell(); 3025c = new TableCell(); 3033c = new TableCell(); 3041c = new TableCell(); 3049c = new TableCell(); 3056c = new TableCell(); 3064c = new TableCell(); 3071c = new TableCell(); 3073c = new TableCell(); 3080c = new TableCell(); 3088c = new TableCell(); 3095c = new TableCell(); 3104c = new TableCell(); 3114c = new TableCell(); 3122c = new TableCell(); 3128c = new TableCell(); 3136c = new TableCell(); 3157c = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (2)
2326TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3480TableCell tableCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\DataGrid.cs (2)
1288cell = new TableCell(); 1305TableCell cell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\DetailsView.cs (10)
1868TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1888TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1908TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1928TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1996TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2015TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2027TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2048TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2062TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2710TableCell cell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\FormView.cs (11)
1576TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1594TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1612TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1630TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1696TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1713TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1724TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1744TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1757TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2339TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2375TableCell contentCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\GridView.cs (13)
2423TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2445TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2466TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2487TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2555TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2577TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2589TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2610TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2624TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3276TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3373contentCell = new TableCell(); 3377contentCell = new TableCell(); 3386contentCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\login.cs (44)
1900c = new TableCell(); 1908c = new TableCell(); 1916c = new TableCell(); 1925c = new TableCell(); 1930c = new TableCell(); 1937c = new TableCell(); 1942c = new TableCell(); 1946c = new TableCell(); 1954c = new TableCell(); 1961c = new TableCell(); 1978c = new TableCell(); 1995c = new TableCell(); 2003c = new TableCell(); 2011c = new TableCell(); 2018c = new TableCell(); 2027c = new TableCell(); 2032c = new TableCell(); 2037c = new TableCell(); 2041c = new TableCell(); 2050c = new TableCell(); 2057c = new TableCell(); 2074c = new TableCell(); 2091c = new TableCell(); 2099c = new TableCell(); 2107c = new TableCell(); 2115c = new TableCell(); 2122c = new TableCell(); 2130c = new TableCell(); 2137c = new TableCell(); 2144c = new TableCell(); 2152c = new TableCell(); 2162c = new TableCell(); 2179c = new TableCell(); 2196c = new TableCell(); 2203c = new TableCell(); 2210c = new TableCell(); 2219c = new TableCell(); 2226c = new TableCell(); 2235c = new TableCell(); 2242c = new TableCell(); 2248c = new TableCell(); 2255c = new TableCell(); 2264c = new TableCell(); 2280c = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\PasswordRecovery.cs (42)
2333c = new TableCell(); 2341c = new TableCell(); 2349c = new TableCell(); 2354c = new TableCell(); 2360c = new TableCell(); 2365c = new TableCell(); 2371c = new TableCell(); 2379c = new TableCell(); 2386c = new TableCell(); 2394c = new TableCell(); 2404c = new TableCell(); 2413c = new TableCell(); 2430c = new TableCell(); 2437c = new TableCell(); 2444c = new TableCell(); 2450c = new TableCell(); 2456c = new TableCell(); 2462c = new TableCell(); 2468c = new TableCell(); 2477c = new TableCell(); 2484c = new TableCell(); 2491c = new TableCell(); 2500c = new TableCell(); 2508c = new TableCell(); 2543TableCell c = new TableCell(); 2552c = new TableCell(); 2646c = new TableCell(); 2654c = new TableCell(); 2662c = new TableCell(); 2670c = new TableCell(); 2677c = new TableCell(); 2685c = new TableCell(); 2695c = new TableCell(); 2704c = new TableCell(); 2721c = new TableCell(); 2728c = new TableCell(); 2735c = new TableCell(); 2744c = new TableCell(); 2751c = new TableCell(); 2758c = new TableCell(); 2767c = new TableCell(); 2775c = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (5)
2619_navigationTableCell = new TableCell(); 2796_stepTableCell = new TableCell(); 2855TableCell outerRightCell = new TableCell() { 3093TableCell tableCell = new TableCell(); 3231_cell = new TableCell();
UI\WebParts\ConnectionsZone.cs (1)
1661TableCell td = new TableCell();
147 references to TableCell
System.Web (146)
Handlers\TraceHandler.cs (9)
227TableCell tcell; 293TableCell linkcell = AddCell(trow, String.Empty); 312static private TableCell AddHeaderCell(TableRow trow, string text) { 319static private TableCell AddCell(TableRow trow, string text) { 320TableCell tcell = new TableCell(); 335TableCell tcell; 436TableCell tcell; 517TableCell tcell; 568TableCell tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Request_Details) + "</b></h3>");
UI\WebControls\BoundColumn.cs (3)
145public override void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) { 222if (boundControl is TableCell) { 226((TableCell)boundControl).Text = dataValue;
UI\WebControls\BoundField.cs (3)
604bool encodeValue = SupportsHtmlEncode && HtmlEncode && boundControl is TableCell; 607if (boundControl is TableCell) { 611((TableCell)boundControl).Text = dataValue;
UI\WebControls\ButtonColumn.cs (1)
223public override void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) {
UI\WebControls\Calendar.cs (4)
848private void ApplyTitleStyle(TableCell titleCell, Table titleTable, TableItemStyle titleStyle) { 1109protected virtual void OnDayRender(TableCell cell, CalendarDay day) { 1616TableCell cdc = new TableCell(); 1669TableCell titleCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\ChangePassword.cs (2)
2701TableCell c; 3005TableCell c;
UI\WebControls\Column.cs (1)
290public virtual void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) {
UI\WebControls\CreateUserWizard.cs (12)
2242var leftCell = CreateTableCell(); 2247var rightCell = CreateTableCell(); 2263var cell = CreateTableCell(); 2325private static TableCell CreateTableCell() { 2326TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3116var c = CreateTableCell(); 3306var leftCell = CreateTableCell(); 3309var rightCell = CreateTableCell(); 3396private TableCell[] _innerCells; 3435_innerCells = new TableCell[3]; 3446private TableCell CreateButtonControl(IButtonControl[] buttons, String validationGroup, String id, 3480TableCell tableCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\DataControlLinkButton.cs (1)
89Debug.Assert(((i == 0) && (control is TableCell)) ||
UI\WebControls\DataControlPagerLinkButton.cs (2)
47Debug.Assert(((i == 0) && (control is TableCell)) || 50((i == 3) && (control is TableCell)) ||
UI\WebControls\DataGrid.cs (2)
1282TableCell cell; 1305TableCell cell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\DataGridLinkButton.cs (1)
42Debug.Assert(((i == 0) && (control is TableCell)) ||
UI\WebControls\DayRenderEvent.cs (4)
15TableCell cell; 22public DayRenderEventArgs(TableCell cell, CalendarDay day) { 28public DayRenderEventArgs(TableCell cell, CalendarDay day, string selectUrl) { 38public TableCell Cell {
UI\WebControls\DetailsView.cs (10)
1868TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1888TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1908TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1928TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1996TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2015TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2027TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2048TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2062TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2710TableCell cell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\EditCommandColumn.cs (2)
154private void AddButtonToCell(TableCell cell, string commandName, string buttonText, bool causesValidation, string validationGroup) { 185public override void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) {
UI\WebControls\FormView.cs (11)
1576TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1594TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1612TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1630TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1696TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1713TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1724TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1744TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 1757TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2339TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2375TableCell contentCell = new TableCell();
UI\WebControls\FormViewRow.cs (1)
71foreach (TableCell cell in Cells) {
UI\WebControls\GridView.cs (13)
2423TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2445TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2466TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2487TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2555TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2577TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2589TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2610TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 2624TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3276TableCell cell = new TableCell(); 3367TableCell contentCell = null; 3936private void ApplySortingStyle(TableCell cell, DataControlField field, TableItemStyle ascendingStyle, TableItemStyle descendingStyle) { 4060foreach (TableCell cell in row.Cells) {
UI\WebControls\HyperLinkColumn.cs (1)
250public override void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) {
UI\WebControls\ImageField.cs (5)
481if (DesignMode && (boundControl is TableCell)) { 486((TableCell)boundControl).Text = GetDesignTimeValue(); 493if (boundControl is TableCell) { // read-only 494TableCell cell = (TableCell)boundControl;
UI\WebControls\LayoutTable.cs (3)
39TableCell cell = new LayoutTableCell(); 46public TableCell this[int row, int column] { 48return (TableCell)Rows[row].Cells[column];
UI\WebControls\login.cs (4)
1897TableCell c; 1992TableCell c; 2088TableCell c; 2193TableCell c;
UI\WebControls\LoginUtil.cs (2)
198((TableCell) parent).ApplyStyle(style); 223foreach (TableCell cell in Cells) {
UI\WebControls\PasswordRecovery.cs (5)
2330TableCell c; 2427TableCell c; 2543TableCell c = new TableCell(); 2643TableCell c; 2718TableCell c;
UI\WebControls\TableCell.cs (2)
19/// <para>Interacts with the parser to build a <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> control.</para> 52/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> class.
UI\WebControls\TableCellCollection.cs (25)
17/// <para>Encapsulates the collection of <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableHeaderCell'/> and <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> objects within a 29/// <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> 44/// <para>Gets the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> 59/// Gets a <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> 64public TableCell this[int index] { 66return(TableCell)owner.Controls[index]; 73/// Adds the specified <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> to the end of the collection. 76public int Add(TableCell cell) { 84/// Adds the specified <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> to the collection at the specified 88public void AddAt(int index, TableCell cell) { 95public void AddRange(TableCell[] cells) { 99foreach(TableCell cell in cells) { 106/// <para>Removes all <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> controls 118/// specified <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> within the collection.</para> 120public int GetCellIndex(TableCell cell) { 130/// Returns an enumerator of all <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> controls within the 183/// Removes the specified <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> from the 187public void Remove(TableCell cell) { 194/// Removes the <see cref='System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell'/> from the collection at the 211AddAt(index, (TableCell)value); 226return Add((TableCell) o); 232return owner.Controls.Contains((TableCell)o); 238return owner.Controls.IndexOf((TableCell)o); 244owner.Controls.AddAt(index, (TableCell)o); 250owner.Controls.Remove((TableCell)o);
UI\WebControls\TableRow.cs (2)
166if (child is TableCell) 178if (child is TableCell)
UI\WebControls\TemplateColumn.cs (1)
128public override void InitializeCell(TableCell cell, int columnIndex, ListItemType itemType) {
UI\WebControls\Wizard.cs (13)
78private TableCell _sideBarTableCell; 2023Debug.Assert(parent is TableCell); 2602private TableCell _headerTableCell; 2605private TableCell _navigationTableCell; 2607private TableCell _stepTableCell; 2616private TableCell NavigationTableCell { 2848TableCell outerLeftCell = Owner._sideBarTableCell ?? CreateControlHierarchy_CreateSideBarTableCell(); 2855TableCell outerRightCell = new TableCell() { 2888private TableCell CreateControlHierarchy_CreateSideBarTableCell() { 2890TableCell outerLeftCell = new AccessibleTableCell(Owner) { 3093TableCell tableCell = new TableCell(); 3216internal TableCell _cell; 3244internal TableCell InnerCell {
UI\WebParts\ConnectionsZone.cs (1)
1661TableCell td = new TableCell();
System.Web.DataVisualization (1)
WebForm\General\ChartHttpHandler.cs (1)
619TableCell cell = e.Row.Cells[1];