3 overrides of Direction
System.Web (3)
UI\WebParts\DeclarativeCatalogPart.cs (1)
216public override ContentDirection Direction {
UI\WebParts\PageCatalogPart.cs (1)
201public override ContentDirection Direction {
UI\WebParts\WebPart.cs (1)
306public override ContentDirection Direction {
3 writes to Direction
System.Web (3)
UI\WebParts\DeclarativeCatalogPart.cs (1)
218set { base.Direction = value; }
UI\WebParts\PageCatalogPart.cs (1)
203set { base.Direction = value; }
UI\WebParts\WebPart.cs (1)
311base.Direction = value;
5 references to Direction
System.Web (5)
UI\WebControls\Panel.cs (2)
279if (Direction == ContentDirection.LeftToRight) { 282else if (Direction == ContentDirection.RightToLeft) {
UI\WebParts\DeclarativeCatalogPart.cs (1)
217get { return base.Direction; }
UI\WebParts\PageCatalogPart.cs (1)
202get { return base.Direction; }
UI\WebParts\WebPart.cs (1)
308return base.Direction;