15 overrides of ErrorTitle
System.Web (15)
Configuration\UrlAuthFailedErrorFormatter.cs (1)
45protected override string ErrorTitle {
DataAccess\DataConnectionHelper.cs (1)
110protected override string ErrorTitle
ErrorFormatter.cs (8)
873protected override string ErrorTitle { 1204protected override string ErrorTitle { 1250protected override string ErrorTitle { 1302protected override string ErrorTitle { 1400protected override string ErrorTitle { 1613protected override string ErrorTitle { 1821protected override string ErrorTitle { 1877protected override string ErrorTitle {
Handlers\TraceHandlerErrorFormatter.cs (1)
15protected override string ErrorTitle {
Security\AuthStoreRoleProvider.cs (1)
862protected override string ErrorTitle
Security\BackStopAuthenticationModule.cs (1)
169protected override string ErrorTitle {
Security\FileAuthorizationModule.cs (1)
501protected override string ErrorTitle {
Security\PassportAuthenticationModule.cs (1)
245protected override string ErrorTitle {
4 references to ErrorTitle
System.Web (4)
ErrorFormatter.cs (4)
198label = CreateLabelFromText(ErrorTitle); 310errorContent.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, errorBeginTemplate, errorHeader, ErrorTitle)); 394sb.Append(" <title>" + ErrorTitle + "</title>\r\n"); 417sb.Append(" <h2> <i>" + ErrorTitle + "</i> </h2></span>\r\n\r\n");