File: Script\Services\PageClientProxyGenerator.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\xsp\system\Extensions\System.Web.Extensions.csproj (System.Web.Extensions)
// <copyright file="PageClientProxyGenerator.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Script.Services {
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    internal class PageClientProxyGenerator : ClientProxyGenerator {
        private string _path;
        internal PageClientProxyGenerator(IPage page, bool debug)
            : this(VirtualPathUtility.MakeRelative(page.Request.Path, page.Request.FilePath), debug) {
            // Dev10 Bug 597146: Use VirtualPathUtility to build a relative path from the path to the file.
            // Previously just Page.Request.FilePath was used, which was for example, /app/foo/page.aspx,
            // but this breaks with cookieless sessions since the url is /app/foo/(sessionid)/page.aspx.
            // We need to make a relative path from page.Request.Path (e.g. /app/foo) to page.Request.FilePath
            // (e.g. /app/foo/page.aspx) rather than just strip off 'page.aspx' with Path.GetFileName, because
            // the url may include PathInfo, such as "/app/foo/page.aspx/pathinfo1/pathinfo2", and in that case
            // we need the path to be ../../page.aspx
        internal PageClientProxyGenerator(string path, bool debug) {
            _path = path;
            _debugMode = debug;
        internal static string GetClientProxyScript(HttpContext context, IPage page, bool debug) {
            // Do nothing during unit tests which have no context or page
            if (context == null || page == null) return null;
            WebServiceData webServiceData = WebServiceData.GetWebServiceData(context,
                false /*failIfNoData*/,
                true /*pageMethods */);
            if (webServiceData == null)
                return null;
            PageClientProxyGenerator proxyGenerator = new PageClientProxyGenerator(page, debug);
            return proxyGenerator.GetClientProxyScript(webServiceData);
        protected override void GenerateTypeDeclaration(WebServiceData webServiceData, bool genClass) {
            if (genClass) {
                _builder.Append("PageMethods.prototype = ");
            else {
                _builder.Append("var PageMethods = ");
        protected override string GetProxyTypeName(WebServiceData data) {
            return "PageMethods";
        protected override string GetProxyPath() {
            return _path;