12 types derived from ChartNamedElement
System.Web.DataVisualization (12)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (1)
160public abstract class Annotation : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (1)
2821public class DataPointCustomProperties : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\Axis.cs (1)
148 public partial class Axis : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (1)
164public partial class ChartArea : ChartNamedElement
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (1)
162public class MapArea : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\Label.cs (1)
421public class CustomLabel : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\Legend.cs (2)
233public class Legend : ChartNamedElement 5175public class LegendItem : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (2)
122public class LegendCellColumn : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea 814public class LegendCell : ChartNamedElement, IChartMapArea
Common\General\NamedImageCollection.cs (1)
80public class NamedImage : ChartNamedElement
Common\General\Title.cs (1)
188public class Title : ChartNamedElement, IDisposable, IChartMapArea
12 references to ChartNamedElement
System.Web.DataVisualization (12)
Common\General\BaseClasses.cs (8)
311/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChartNamedElement"/> class. 319/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChartNamedElement"/> class. 329/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChartNamedElement"/> class. 366ChartNamedElement _oldElement; 373public ChartNamedElement OldElement 388public NameReferenceChangedEventArgs(ChartNamedElement oldElement, ChartNamedElement newElement) 394public NameReferenceChangedEventArgs(ChartNamedElement oldElement, string oldName, string newName)
Common\General\BaseCollections.cs (4)
276where T : ChartNamedElement 481ChartNamedElement removedElement = index<Count ? this[index] : null; 496ChartNamedElement removedElement = index < Count ? this[index] : null; 506ChartNamedElement defaultElement = this.Count > 0 ? this[0] : null;