1 write to _points
System.Web.DataVisualization (1)
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (1)
5249 _points = new DataPoint[numOfItems];
39 references to _points
System.Web.DataVisualization (39)
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (39)
4887 for( int indexA = 0; indexA < _points.Length; indexA++ ) 4891 if( _yPositions[indexA] < _yPositions[indexB] && _points[indexA] != null && _points[indexB] != null ) 4896 tempPoint = _points[indexA]; 4898 _points[indexA] = _points[indexB]; 4900 _points[indexB] = tempPoint; 4936 foreach( DataPoint point in _points ) 5002 if( _points[indexYValue] != null ) 5037 _points[indexYValue] = point; 5053 DataPoint point = _points[position]; 5055 _points[position] = null; 5061 if( _points[index-1] == null ) 5063 _points[index-1] = point; 5072 tempPoint = _points[index-1]; 5074 _points[index-1] = point; 5083 DataPoint point = _points[position]; 5085 _points[position] = null; 5091 if( _points[index+1] == null ) 5093 _points[index+1] = point; 5102 tempPoint = _points[index+1]; 5104 _points[index+1] = point; 5123 if( _numOfInsertedLabels < _points.Length / 2 ) 5127 for( int point = 0; point < _points.Length && _points[point] == null; point++ ) 5133 for( int point = _points.Length - 1; point >= 0 && _points[point] == null; point-- ) 5153 for( int point = numMove; point < _points.Length; point++ ) 5155 if(numEmptyUp+indexPoint > _points.Length - 1) 5158 _points[point] = _points[numEmptyUp+indexPoint]; 5159 _points[numEmptyUp+indexPoint] = null; 5166 int indexPoint = _points.Length - 1; 5167 for( int point = _points.Length - 1 - numMove; point >= 0; point-- ) 5172 _points[point] = _points[indexPoint - numEmptyDown]; 5173 _points[indexPoint - numEmptyDown] = null; 5200 if( _points[index] == null ) 5217 if( _points[index] == null )