1 instantiation of Legend
System.Web.DataVisualization (1)
Common\General\Legend.cs (1)
4881Legend legend = new Legend(name);
27 references to Legend
System.Web.DataVisualization (27)
Common\Converters\DataManagerConverters.cs (1)
286foreach (Legend legend in chart.Legends)
Common\Converters\LegendConverters.cs (6)
86 if (context.Instance is Legend) 88 Legend legend = (Legend)context.Instance; 133if (((Array)context.Instance).Length > 0 && ((Array)context.Instance).GetValue(0) is Legend) 135Legend legend = (Legend)((Array)context.Instance).GetValue(0);
Common\General\Chart.cs (2)
1959 foreach(Legend legendCurrent in this.Legends) 3783 foreach( Legend legend in Legends )
Common\General\Legend.cs (12)
4848public class LegendCollection : ChartNamedElementCollection<Legend> 4879public Legend Add(string name) 4881Legend legend = new Legend(name); 4898 foreach(Legend legend in this) 4929 foreach(Legend legend in this) 5001 foreach(Legend legend in this) 5031 foreach(Legend legend in this) 5058foreach (Legend legend in this) 5083internal LegendItemsCollection(Legend legend) 5283public Legend Legend 5288return Parent.Parent as Legend; 6120 internal void AddAutomaticCells(Legend legend)
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (4)
261public virtual Legend Legend 266return Parent.Parent as Legend; 1007public virtual Legend Legend 2877internal LegendCellColumnCollection(Legend legend)
Common\General\Selection.cs (2)
2241else if (region.SelectedObject is Legend) 2243if (((Legend)region.SelectedObject).BackColor == Color.Transparent)