20 writes to Z
System.Web.DataVisualization (20)
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (3)
627 pt.Z = (pt.Z / 100f) * this.areaSceneDepth; 2118 points[(zSameOrientation) ? 0 : 1].Z = middlePoint.Z; 2145 resultPoint.Z = (points[0].Z + points[1].Z) / 2f;
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (17)
424 point.Z -= _translateZ; 785 point.Z = resultVector[2]; 866 _lightVectors[1].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 871 _lightVectors[2].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 876 _lightVectors[3].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 881 _lightVectors[4].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 886 _lightVectors[5].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 891 _lightVectors[6].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 1046 firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z; 1051 secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z; 1057 normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X; 1137 firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z; 1142 secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z; 1148 normalVector.Z = firstVector.X * secondVector.Y - firstVector.Y * secondVector.X; 1156 lightSource.Z *= -1; 1161 lightSource.Z *= -1; 1168 lightSource.Z *= -1;
52 references to Z
System.Web.DataVisualization (52)
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (17)
627 pt.Z = (pt.Z / 100f) * this.areaSceneDepth; 1629 if(!float.IsNaN(areaProjectionCenter.Z)) 1645 if(seriesZPosition >= areaProjectionCenter.Z) 2104 (points[0].Z + points[1].Z) / 2f); 2118 points[(zSameOrientation) ? 0 : 1].Z = middlePoint.Z; 2133 Math.Abs(points[1].Z - points[0].Z) >= interval.Width) 2144 if(!float.IsNaN(resultPoint.Z)) 2145 resultPoint.Z = (points[0].Z + points[1].Z) / 2f; 2220 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, point1.Z); 2221 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point1.Z); 2222 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point1.Z); 2227 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, point2.Z); 2228 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point2.Z); 2229 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point2.Z);
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (35)
300 if( point.Z > maxZ ) 301 maxZ = point.Z; 496 point.X = point.X + ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * yFactor; 497 point.Y = point.Y - ( _perspectiveZ - point.Z ) * xFactor; 512 point.X = _translateX + (point.X - _translateX) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor); 513 point.Y = _translateY + (point.Y - _translateY) / ( 1 + (_perspectiveZ - point.Z) * _perspectiveFactor); 776 inputVector[2] = point.Z; 866 _lightVectors[1].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 871 _lightVectors[2].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 876 _lightVectors[3].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 881 _lightVectors[4].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 886 _lightVectors[5].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 891 _lightVectors[6].Z -= _lightVectors[0].Z; 1046 firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z; 1051 secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z; 1055 normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y; 1056 normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z; 1137 firstVector.Z = points[0].Z - points[1].Z; 1142 secondVector.Z = points[2].Z - points[1].Z; 1146 normalVector.X = firstVector.Y * secondVector.Z - firstVector.Z * secondVector.Y; 1147 normalVector.Y = firstVector.Z * secondVector.X - firstVector.X * secondVector.Z; 1215 angle = Math.Acos( ( a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z ) / ( Math.Sqrt( a.X * a.X + a.Y * a.Y + a.Z * a.Z ) * Math.Sqrt( b.X * b.X + b.Y * b.Y + b.Z * b.Z ) ) );