7 writes to current
System.Transactions (7)
System\Transactions\Trace\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (7)
134this.current = this.root; 139this.current = node; 186this.current = this.current.parent; 255this.current = this.current.childNodes[0]; 301this.current = temp; 339this.current = this.current.parent; 367this.current = this.root;
39 references to current
System.Transactions (39)
System\Transactions\Trace\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (39)
124ElementNode node = new ElementNode(name, prefix, xmlns, this.current); 131if (this.current == null) 138this.current.childNodes.Add(node); 150if (this.current == null) 154else if (this.current.text != null) 160this.current.text = new TextNode(value); 170if (this.current == null) 175this.current.attributes.Add(node); 186this.current = this.current.parent; 187if (this.current == null) 209if (this.current != null) 211retval = this.current.text != null || this.current.childNodes.Count > 0; 234if (this.current == null) 238bool retval = this.current.MoveToFirstAttribute(); 248if (this.current == null) 253if (this.current.childNodes.Count > 0) 255this.current = this.current.childNodes[0]; 259else if (this.current.childNodes.Count == 0 && this.current.text != null) 262this.current.movedToText = true; 280if (this.current == null) 287ElementNode parent = this.current.parent; 310if (this.current == null) 314bool retval = this.current.MoveToNextAttribute(); 329if (this.current == null) 337if (this.current.parent != null) 339this.current = this.current.parent; 376if (this.current == null) 384retval = this.current.name; 387retval = this.current.CurrentAttribute.name; 413if (this.current == null) 421retval = this.current.prefix; 424retval = this.current.CurrentAttribute.prefix; 427retval = this.current.prefix; 438if (this.current == null) 446retval = this.current.text.nodeValue; 449retval = this.current.CurrentAttribute.nodeValue; 452retval = this.current.xmlns;