File: System\UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment.cs
Project: ndp\cdf\src\WCF\ServiceModel\System.ServiceModel.csproj (System.ServiceModel)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    // Thin wrapper around formatted string; use type system to help ensure we
    // are doing canonicalization right/consistently - the literal sections are held in an
    // un-escaped format
    // We are assuming that the string will be always built as Lit{Var}Lit[{Var}Lit[{Var}Lit[...]]],
    // when the first and last literals may be empty
    class UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment : UriTemplatePathSegment, IComparable<UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment>
        readonly string firstLiteral;
        readonly List<VarAndLitPair> varLitPairs;
        CompoundSegmentClass csClass;
        UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment(string originalSegment, bool endsWithSlash, string firstLiteral)
            : base(originalSegment, UriTemplatePartType.Compound, endsWithSlash)
            this.firstLiteral = firstLiteral;
            this.varLitPairs = new List<VarAndLitPair>();
        public static new UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment CreateFromUriTemplate(string segment, UriTemplate template)
            string origSegment = segment;
            bool endsWithSlash = segment.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (endsWithSlash)
                segment = segment.Remove(segment.Length - 1);
            int nextVarStart = segment.IndexOf("{", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            Fx.Assert(nextVarStart >= 0, "The method is only called after identifying a '{' character in the segment");
            string firstLiteral = ((nextVarStart > 0) ? segment.Substring(0, nextVarStart) : string.Empty);
            if (firstLiteral.IndexOf(UriTemplate.WildcardPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new FormatException(
                    SR.GetString(SR.UTInvalidWildcardInVariableOrLiteral, template.originalTemplate, UriTemplate.WildcardPath)));
            UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment result = new UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment(origSegment, endsWithSlash,
                ((firstLiteral != string.Empty) ? Uri.UnescapeDataString(firstLiteral) : string.Empty));
                int nextVarEnd = segment.IndexOf("}", nextVarStart + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (nextVarEnd < nextVarStart + 2)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new FormatException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.UTInvalidFormatSegmentOrQueryPart, segment)));
                bool hasDefault;
                string varName = template.AddPathVariable(UriTemplatePartType.Compound,
                    segment.Substring(nextVarStart + 1, nextVarEnd - nextVarStart - 1), out hasDefault);
                if (hasDefault)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.UTDefaultValueToCompoundSegmentVar, template, origSegment, varName)));
                nextVarStart = segment.IndexOf("{", nextVarEnd + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                string literal;
                if (nextVarStart > 0)
                    if (nextVarStart == nextVarEnd + 1)
                        throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgument("template",
                            SR.GetString(SR.UTDoesNotSupportAdjacentVarsInCompoundSegment, template, segment));
                    literal = segment.Substring(nextVarEnd + 1, nextVarStart - nextVarEnd - 1);
                else if (nextVarEnd + 1 < segment.Length)
                    literal = segment.Substring(nextVarEnd + 1);
                    literal = string.Empty;
                if (literal.IndexOf(UriTemplate.WildcardPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new FormatException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.UTInvalidWildcardInVariableOrLiteral, template.originalTemplate, UriTemplate.WildcardPath)));
                if (literal.IndexOf('}') != -1)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new FormatException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.UTInvalidFormatSegmentOrQueryPart, segment)));
                result.varLitPairs.Add(new VarAndLitPair(varName, ((literal == string.Empty) ? string.Empty : Uri.UnescapeDataString(literal))));
            } while (nextVarStart > 0);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.firstLiteral))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.varLitPairs[result.varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal))
                    result.csClass = CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix;
                    result.csClass = CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.varLitPairs[result.varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal))
                    result.csClass = CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix;
                    result.csClass = CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix;
            return result;
        public override void Bind(string[] values, ref int valueIndex, StringBuilder path)
            Fx.Assert(valueIndex + this.varLitPairs.Count <= values.Length, "Not enough values to bind");
            for (int pairIndex = 0; pairIndex < this.varLitPairs.Count; pairIndex++)
            if (this.EndsWithSlash)
        public override bool IsEquivalentTo(UriTemplatePathSegment other, bool ignoreTrailingSlash)
            if (other == null)
                Fx.Assert("why would we ever call this?");
                return false;
            if (!ignoreTrailingSlash && (this.EndsWithSlash != other.EndsWithSlash))
                return false;
            UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment otherAsCompound = other as UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment;
            if (otherAsCompound == null)
                // if other can't be cast as a compound then it can't be equivalent
                return false;
            if (this.varLitPairs.Count != otherAsCompound.varLitPairs.Count)
                return false;
            if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(this.firstLiteral, otherAsCompound.firstLiteral) != 0)
                return false;
            for (int pairIndex = 0; pairIndex < this.varLitPairs.Count; pairIndex++)
                if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(this.varLitPairs[pairIndex].Literal,
                    otherAsCompound.varLitPairs[pairIndex].Literal) != 0)
                    return false;
            return true;
        public override bool IsMatch(UriTemplateLiteralPathSegment segment, bool ignoreTrailingSlash)
            if (!ignoreTrailingSlash && (this.EndsWithSlash != segment.EndsWithSlash))
                return false;
            return TryLookup(segment.AsUnescapedString(), null);
        public override void Lookup(string segment, NameValueCollection boundParameters)
            if (!TryLookup(segment, boundParameters))
                Fx.Assert("How can that be? Lookup is expected to be called after IsMatch");
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(
        bool TryLookup(string segment, NameValueCollection boundParameters)
            int segmentPosition = 0;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.firstLiteral))
                if (segment.StartsWith(this.firstLiteral, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    segmentPosition = this.firstLiteral.Length;
                    return false;
            for (int pairIndex = 0; pairIndex < this.varLitPairs.Count - 1; pairIndex++)
                int nextLiteralPosition = segment.IndexOf(this.varLitPairs[pairIndex].Literal, segmentPosition, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (nextLiteralPosition < segmentPosition + 1)
                    return false;
                if (boundParameters != null)
                    string varValue = segment.Substring(segmentPosition, nextLiteralPosition - segmentPosition);
                    boundParameters.Add(this.varLitPairs[pairIndex].VarName, varValue);
                segmentPosition = nextLiteralPosition + this.varLitPairs[pairIndex].Literal.Length;
            if (segmentPosition < segment.Length)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal))
                    if (boundParameters != null)
                        boundParameters.Add(this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].VarName,
                    return true;
                else if ((segmentPosition + this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal.Length < segment.Length) &&
                    segment.EndsWith(this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (boundParameters != null)
                        boundParameters.Add(this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].VarName,
                            segment.Substring(segmentPosition, segment.Length - segmentPosition - this.varLitPairs[varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal.Length));
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;
        // A note about comparing compound segments:
        //  We are using this for generating the sorted collections at the nodes of the UriTemplateTrieNode.
        //  The idea is that we are sorting the segments based on preferred matching, when we have two
        //  compound segments matching the same wire segment, we will give preference to the preceding one.
        //  The order is based on the following concepts:
        //   - We are defining four classes of compound segments: prefix+suffix, prefix-only, suffix-only 
        //      and none
        //   - Whenever we are comparing segments from different class the preferred one is the segment with
        //      the prefared class, based on the order we defined them (p+s \ p \ s \ n).
        //   - Within each class the preference is based on the prefix\suffix, while prefix has precedence 
        //      over suffix if both exists.
        //   - If after comparing the class, as well as the prefix\suffix, we didn't reach to a conclusion,
        //      the preference is given to the segment with more variables parts.
        //  This order mostly follows the intuitive common sense; the major issue comes from preferring the
        //  prefix over the suffix in the case where both exist. This is derived from the problematic of any
        //  other type of solution that don't prefere the prefix over the suffix or vice versa. To better 
        //  understanding lets considered the following example:
        //   In comparing 'foo{x}bar' and 'food{x}ar', unless we are preferring prefix or suffix, we have
        //   to state that they have the same order. So is the case with 'foo{x}babar' and 'food{x}ar', which
        //   will lead us to claiming the 'foo{x}bar' and 'foo{x}babar' are from the same order, which they
        //   clearly are not. 
        //  Taking other approaches to this problem results in similar cases. The only solution is preferring
        //  either the prefix or the suffix over the other; since we already preferred prefix over suffix
        //  implicitly (we preferred the prefix only class over the suffix only, we also prefared literal
        //  over variable, if in the same path segment) that still maintain consistency.
        //  Therefore:
        //    - 'food{var}' should be before 'foo{var}'; '{x}.{y}.{z}' should be before '{x}.{y}'.
        //    - the order between '{var}bar' and '{var}qux' is not important
        //    - '{x}.{y}' and '{x}_{y}' should have the same order
        //    - 'foo{x}bar' is less preferred than 'food{x}ar'
        //  In the above third case - if we are opening the table with allowDuplicate=false, we will throw;
        //  if we are opening it with allowDuplicate=true we will let it go and might match both templates
        //  for certain wire candidates.
        int IComparable<UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment>.CompareTo(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            Fx.Assert(other != null, "We are only expected to get here for comparing real compound segments");
            switch (this.csClass)
                case CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix:
                    switch (other.csClass)
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix:
                            return CompareToOtherThatHasPrefixAndSuffix(other);
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix:
                            return -1;
                            Fx.Assert("Invalid other.CompoundSegmentClass");
                            return 0;
                case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix:
                    switch (other.csClass)
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix:
                            return 1;
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix:
                            return CompareToOtherThatHasOnlyPrefix(other);
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix:
                            return -1;
                            Fx.Assert("Invalid other.CompoundSegmentClass");
                            return 0;
                case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix:
                    switch (other.csClass)
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix:
                            return 1;
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix:
                            return CompareToOtherThatHasOnlySuffix(other);
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix:
                            return -1;
                            Fx.Assert("Invalid other.CompoundSegmentClass");
                            return 0;
                case CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix:
                    switch (other.csClass)
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix:
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix:
                            return 1;
                        case CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix:
                            return CompareToOtherThatHasNoPrefixNorSuffix(other);
                            Fx.Assert("Invalid other.CompoundSegmentClass");
                            return 0;
                    Fx.Assert("Invalid this.CompoundSegmentClass");
                    return 0;
        int CompareToOtherThatHasPrefixAndSuffix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            Fx.Assert(this.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            Fx.Assert(other.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasPrefixAndSuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            // In this case we are determining the order based on the prefix of the two segments,
            //  then by their suffix and then based on the number of variables
            int prefixOrder = ComparePrefixToOtherPrefix(other);
            if (prefixOrder == 0)
                int suffixOrder = CompareSuffixToOtherSuffix(other);
                if (suffixOrder == 0)
                    return (other.varLitPairs.Count - this.varLitPairs.Count);
                    return suffixOrder;
                return prefixOrder;
        int CompareToOtherThatHasOnlyPrefix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            Fx.Assert(this.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            Fx.Assert(other.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlyPrefix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            // In this case we are determining the order based on the prefix of the two segments,
            //  then based on the number of variables
            int prefixOrder = ComparePrefixToOtherPrefix(other);
            if (prefixOrder == 0)
                return (other.varLitPairs.Count - this.varLitPairs.Count);
                return prefixOrder;
        int CompareToOtherThatHasOnlySuffix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            Fx.Assert(this.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            Fx.Assert(other.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasOnlySuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            // In this case we are determining the order based on the suffix of the two segments,
            //  then based on the number of variables
            int suffixOrder = CompareSuffixToOtherSuffix(other);
            if (suffixOrder == 0)
                return (other.varLitPairs.Count - this.varLitPairs.Count);
                return suffixOrder;
        int CompareToOtherThatHasNoPrefixNorSuffix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            Fx.Assert(this.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            Fx.Assert(other.csClass == CompoundSegmentClass.HasNoPrefixNorSuffix, "Otherwise, how did we got here?");
            // In this case the order is determined by the number of variables
            return (other.varLitPairs.Count - this.varLitPairs.Count);
        int ComparePrefixToOtherPrefix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            return string.Compare(other.firstLiteral, this.firstLiteral, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        int CompareSuffixToOtherSuffix(UriTemplateCompoundPathSegment other)
            string reversedSuffix = ReverseString(this.varLitPairs[this.varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal);
            string reversedOtherSuffix = ReverseString(other.varLitPairs[other.varLitPairs.Count - 1].Literal);
            return string.Compare(reversedOtherSuffix, reversedSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        static string ReverseString(string stringToReverse)
            char[] reversedString = new char[stringToReverse.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < stringToReverse.Length; i++)
                reversedString[i] = stringToReverse[stringToReverse.Length - i - 1];
            return new string(reversedString);
        enum CompoundSegmentClass
        struct VarAndLitPair
            readonly string literal;
            readonly string varName;
            public VarAndLitPair(string varName, string literal)
                this.varName = varName;
                this.literal = literal;
            public string Literal
                    return this.literal;
            public string VarName
                    return this.varName;