File: System\ServiceModel\Channels\RequestReplyCorrelator.cs
Project: ndp\cdf\src\WCF\ServiceModel\System.ServiceModel.csproj (System.ServiceModel)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
    using System.Xml;
    class RequestReplyCorrelator : IRequestReplyCorrelator
        Hashtable states;
        internal RequestReplyCorrelator()
            this.states = new Hashtable();
        void IRequestReplyCorrelator.Add<T>(Message request, T state)
            UniqueId messageId = request.Headers.MessageId;
            Type stateType = typeof(T);
            Key key = new Key(messageId, stateType);
            // add the correlator key to the request, this will be needed for cleaning up the correlator table in case of 
            // channel aborting or faulting while there are pending requests
            ICorrelatorKey value = state as ICorrelatorKey;
            if (value != null)
                value.RequestCorrelatorKey = key;
            lock (states)
                states.Add(key, state);
        T IRequestReplyCorrelator.Find<T>(Message reply, bool remove)
            UniqueId relatesTo = GetRelatesTo(reply);
            Type stateType = typeof(T);
            Key key = new Key(relatesTo, stateType);
            T value;
            lock (states)
                value = (T)states[key];
                if (remove)
            return value;
        // This method is used to remove the request from the correlator table when the
        // reply is lost. This will avoid leaking the correlator table in cases where the 
        // channel faults or aborts while there are pending requests.
        internal void RemoveRequest(ICorrelatorKey request)
            Fx.Assert(request != null, "request cannot be null");
            if (request.RequestCorrelatorKey != null)
                lock (states)
        UniqueId GetRelatesTo(Message reply)
            UniqueId relatesTo = reply.Headers.RelatesTo;
            if (relatesTo == null)
                throw TraceUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.SuppliedMessageIsNotAReplyItHasNoRelatesTo0)), reply);
            return relatesTo;
        internal static bool AddressReply(Message reply, Message request)
            ReplyToInfo info = RequestReplyCorrelator.ExtractReplyToInfo(request);
            return RequestReplyCorrelator.AddressReply(reply, info);
        internal static bool AddressReply(Message reply, ReplyToInfo info)
            EndpointAddress destination = null;
            if (info.HasFaultTo && (reply.IsFault))
                destination = info.FaultTo;
            else if (info.HasReplyTo)
                destination = info.ReplyTo;
            else if (reply.Version.Addressing == AddressingVersion.WSAddressingAugust2004)
                if (info.HasFrom)
                    destination = info.From;
                    destination = EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress;
            if (destination != null)
                return !destination.IsNone;
                return true;
        internal static ReplyToInfo ExtractReplyToInfo(Message message)
            return new ReplyToInfo(message);
        internal static void PrepareRequest(Message request)
            MessageHeaders requestHeaders = request.Headers;
            if (requestHeaders.MessageId == null)
                requestHeaders.MessageId = new UniqueId();
            request.Properties.AllowOutputBatching = false;
            if (TraceUtility.PropagateUserActivity || TraceUtility.ShouldPropagateActivity)
        internal static void PrepareReply(Message reply, UniqueId messageId)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(messageId, null))
                throw TraceUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.MissingMessageID)), reply);
            MessageHeaders replyHeaders = reply.Headers;
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(replyHeaders.RelatesTo, null))
                replyHeaders.RelatesTo = messageId;
            if (TraceUtility.PropagateUserActivity || TraceUtility.ShouldPropagateActivity)
        internal static void PrepareReply(Message reply, Message request)
            UniqueId messageId = request.Headers.MessageId;
            if (messageId != null)
                MessageHeaders replyHeaders = reply.Headers;
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(replyHeaders.RelatesTo, null))
                    replyHeaders.RelatesTo = messageId;
            if (TraceUtility.PropagateUserActivity || TraceUtility.ShouldPropagateActivity)
        internal struct ReplyToInfo
            readonly EndpointAddress faultTo;
            readonly EndpointAddress from;
            readonly EndpointAddress replyTo;
            internal ReplyToInfo(Message message)
                this.faultTo = message.Headers.FaultTo;
                this.replyTo = message.Headers.ReplyTo;
                if (message.Version.Addressing == AddressingVersion.WSAddressingAugust2004)
                    this.from = message.Headers.From;
                    this.from = null;
            internal EndpointAddress FaultTo
                get { return this.faultTo; }
            internal EndpointAddress From
                get { return this.from; }
            internal bool HasFaultTo
                get { return !IsTrivial(this.FaultTo); }
            internal bool HasFrom
                get { return !IsTrivial(this.From); }
            internal bool HasReplyTo
                get { return !IsTrivial(this.ReplyTo); }
            internal EndpointAddress ReplyTo
                get { return this.replyTo; }
            bool IsTrivial(EndpointAddress address)
                // Note: even if address.IsAnonymous, it may have identity, reference parameters, etc.
                return (address == null) || (address == EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress);
        internal class Key
            internal UniqueId MessageId;
            internal Type StateType;
            internal Key(UniqueId messageId, Type stateType)
                MessageId = messageId;
                StateType = stateType;
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                Key other = obj as Key;
                if (other == null)
                    return false;
                return other.MessageId == this.MessageId && other.StateType == this.StateType;
            [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Usage, "CA2303:FlagTypeGetHashCode", Justification = "The hashcode is not used for identity purposes for embedded types.")]
            public override int GetHashCode()
                return MessageId.GetHashCode() ^ StateType.GetHashCode();
            public override string ToString()
                return typeof(Key).ToString() + ": {" + MessageId + ", " + StateType.ToString() + "}";