1 type derived from SubExpr
System.ServiceModel (1)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QuerySubExprEliminator.cs (1)
279internal class SubExprHeader : SubExpr
4 instantiations of SubExpr
System.ServiceModel (4)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QuerySubExprEliminator.cs (4)
99SubExpr e = new SubExpr(this, ops, elim.NewVarID()); 107SubExpr ee = new SubExpr(e, ops, elim.NewVarID()); 133SubExpr e = new SubExpr(this.parent, firstOp, elim.NewVarID()); 537e = new SubExpr(null, start, NewVarID());
41 references to SubExpr
System.ServiceModel (41)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QuerySubExprEliminator.cs (41)
19SubExpr parent; 20protected List<SubExpr> children; 22internal SubExpr(SubExpr parent, Opcode ops, int var) 24this.children = new List<SubExpr>(2); 82SubExpr e = this.BranchAt(start, elim); 99SubExpr e = new SubExpr(this, ops, elim.NewVarID()); 105SubExpr e = this.BranchAt(start, elim); 107SubExpr ee = new SubExpr(e, ops, elim.NewVarID()); 114internal virtual void AddChild(SubExpr expr) 119SubExpr BranchAt(Opcode op, SubExprEliminator elim) 133SubExpr e = new SubExpr(this.parent, firstOp, elim.NewVarID()); 167SubExpr child = this.children[0]; 234internal virtual void RemoveChild(SubExpr expr) 283Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>>> nameLookup; 284Dictionary<SubExpr, MyInt> indexLookup; 289this.nameLookup = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>>>(); 290this.indexLookup = new Dictionary<SubExpr, MyInt>(); 294internal override void AddChild(SubExpr expr) 303Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>> nextLookup; 306nextLookup = new Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>>(); 311List<SubExpr> exprs = new List<SubExpr>(); 314exprs = new List<SubExpr>(); 350List<SubExpr> lst; 353Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>> nextLookup; 423internal override void RemoveChild(SubExpr expr) 432Dictionary<string, List<SubExpr>> nextLookup; 436List<SubExpr> exprs; 467List<SubExpr> exprList; 469Dictionary<object, List<SubExpr>> removalMapping; 473this.removalMapping = new Dictionary<object, List<SubExpr>>(); 474this.exprList = new List<SubExpr>(); 482internal List<SubExpr> Exprs 500List<SubExpr> exprs = new List<SubExpr>(); 524SubExpr e = null; 590List<SubExpr> exprs; 634protected SubExpr expr; 636internal SubExprOpcode(SubExpr expr) 642internal SubExpr Expr 721internal InternalSubExprOpcode(SubExpr expr)