6 writes to limit
System.ServiceModel (6)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QuotaThrottle.cs (6)
27this.limit = Int32.MaxValue; 56this.limit--; 99checked { this.limit += incrementBy; } 125this.limit = 0; 133this.limit -= released.Length; 158this.limit = messageLimit;
9 references to limit
System.ServiceModel (9)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QuotaThrottle.cs (9)
35get { return this.limit != Int32.MaxValue; } 45get { return this.limit; } 54if (this.limit > 0) 58if (this.limit == 0) 102newLimit = this.limit; 117if ((this.waiters.Count > 0) && (this.limit > 0)) 119if (this.limit < this.waiters.Count) 121released = new object[this.limit]; 122for (int i = 0; i < this.limit; i++)