4 writes to quotaRemaining
System.ServiceModel (4)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransmissionStrategy.cs (4)
108this.quotaRemaining = Int32.MaxValue; 246this.quotaRemaining--; 697this.quotaRemaining = quotaRemaining - Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.window.Count); 737this.quotaRemaining = quotaRemaining - Math.Max(0, inFlightAfterAck);
5 references to quotaRemaining
System.ServiceModel (5)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransmissionStrategy.cs (5)
167return this.quotaRemaining; 234if (this.requestAcks && (this.window.Count == this.windowSize - 1 || this.quotaRemaining == 1)) // can't add any more 274this.quotaRemaining > 0 && // Can the receiver handle another message? 307int count = Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.quotaRemaining) - this.window.Count; 696if (range.Upper == this.windowStart - 1 && (quotaRemaining != -1) && quotaRemaining > this.quotaRemaining)