File: System\ServiceModel\Web\HttpDateParse.cs
Project: ndp\cdf\src\NetFx35\System.ServiceModel.Web\System.ServiceModel.Web.csproj (System.ServiceModel.Web)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Web
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    // All of the code from this class was taken from build 20717.00 
    // of System.Net.HttpDateParse.  If there is a bug with this code 
    // it should be fixed  in the original System.Net.HttpDateParse 
    // and then ported here. [Microsoft]
    internal static class HttpDateParse
        private const int BASE_DEC = 10; // base 10
        // Date indicies used to figure out what each entry is.
        private const int DATE_INDEX_DAY_OF_WEEK = 0;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_DAY = 1;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_MONTH = 2;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_YEAR = 3;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_HRS = 4;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_MINS = 5;
        private const int DATE_1123_INDEX_SECS = 6;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_MONTH = 1;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_DAY = 2;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_HRS = 3;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_MINS = 4;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_SECS = 5;
        private const int DATE_ANSI_INDEX_YEAR = 6;
        private const int DATE_INDEX_TZ = 7;
        private const int DATE_INDEX_LAST = DATE_INDEX_TZ;
        private const int MAX_FIELD_DATE_ENTRIES = (DATE_INDEX_LAST + 1);
        // DATE_TOKEN's DWORD values used to determine what day/month we're on
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_JANUARY = 1;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_FEBRUARY = 2;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_Microsoft = 3;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_APRIL = 4;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_MAY = 5;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_JUNE = 6;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_JULY = 7;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_AUGUST = 8;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_SEPTEMBER = 9;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_OCTOBER = 10;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_NOVEMBER = 11;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_DECEMBER = 12;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_LAST_MONTH = (DATE_TOKEN_DECEMBER + 1);
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_SUNDAY = 0;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_MONDAY = 1;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_TUESDAY = 2;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_WEDNESDAY = 3;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_THURSDAY = 4;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_FRIDAY = 5;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_SATURDAY = 6;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_LAST_DAY = (DATE_TOKEN_SATURDAY + 1);
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_GMT = -1000;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_LAST = DATE_TOKEN_GMT;
        private const int DATE_TOKEN_ERROR = (DATE_TOKEN_LAST + 1);
        // MakeUpper - takes an assumed lower character and bit manipulates into a upper.
        //              (make sure the character is Lower case alpha char to begin,
        //               otherwise it corrupts)
        static char MakeUpper(char c)
            return (Char.ToUpper(c, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        // Routine Description:
        //    Looks at the first three bytes of string to determine if we're looking
        //        at a Day of the Week, or Month, or "GMT" string.  Is inlined so that
        //        the compiler can optimize this code into the caller FInternalParseHttpDate.
        // Arguments:
        //    lpszDay - a string ptr to the first byte of the string in question.
        // Return Value:
        //    DWORD
        //    Success - The Correct date token, 0-6 for day of the week, 1-14 for month, etc
        //    Failure - DATE_TOKEN_ERROR
        static int MapDayMonthToDword(char[] lpszDay, int index)
            switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index]))
            { // make uppercase
                case 'A':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'P':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_APRIL;
                        case 'U':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_AUGUST;
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'D':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_DECEMBER;
                case 'F':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'R':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_FRIDAY;
                        case 'E':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_FEBRUARY;
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'G':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_GMT;
                case 'M':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'O':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_MONDAY;
                        case 'A':
                            switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 2]))
                                case 'R':
                                    return DATE_TOKEN_Microsoft;
                                case 'Y':
                                    return DATE_TOKEN_MAY;
                            // fall through to error
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'N':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_NOVEMBER;
                case 'J':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'A':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_JANUARY;
                        case 'U':
                            switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 2]))
                                case 'N':
                                    return DATE_TOKEN_JUNE;
                                case 'L':
                                    return DATE_TOKEN_JULY;
                            // fall through to error
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'O':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_OCTOBER;
                case 'S':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'A':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_SATURDAY;
                        case 'U':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_SUNDAY;
                        case 'E':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_SEPTEMBER;
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'T':
                    switch (MakeUpper(lpszDay[index + 1]))
                        case 'U':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_TUESDAY;
                        case 'H':
                            return DATE_TOKEN_THURSDAY;
                    return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
                case 'U':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_GMT;
                case 'W':
                    return DATE_TOKEN_WEDNESDAY;
            return DATE_TOKEN_ERROR;
        // Routine Description:
        //    Parses through a ANSI, RFC850, or RFC1123 date format and covents it into
        //     a FILETIME/SYSTEMTIME time format.
        //    Important this a time-critical function and should only be changed
        //     with the intention of optimizing or a critical need work item.
        // Arguments:
        //    lpft - Ptr to FILETIME structure.  Used to store converted result.
        //            Must be NULL if not intended to be used !!!
        //    lpSysTime - Ptr to SYSTEMTIME struture. Used to return Systime if needed.
        //    lpcszDateStr - Const Date string to parse.
        // Return Value:
        //    BOOL
        //    Success - TRUE
        //    Failure - FALSE
        internal static bool ParseHttpDate(String DateString, out DateTime dtOut)
            int index = 0;
            int i = 0, iLastLettered = -1;
            bool fIsANSIDateFormat = false;
            int[] rgdwDateParseResults = new int[MAX_FIELD_DATE_ENTRIES];
            bool fRet = true;
            char[] lpInputBuffer = DateString.ToCharArray();
            dtOut = new DateTime();
            // Date Parsing v2 (1 more to go), and here is how it works...
            //  We take a date string and churn through it once, converting
            //  integers to integers, Month,Day, and GMT strings into integers,
            //  and all is then placed IN order in a temp array.
            // At the completetion of the parse stage, we simple look at
            //  the data, and then map the results into the correct
            //  places in the SYSTIME structure.  Simple, No allocations, and
            //  No dirting the data.
            // The end of the function does something munging and pretting
            //  up of the results to handle the year 2000, and TZ offsets
            //  Note: do we need to fully handle TZs anymore?
            while (index < DateString.Length && i < MAX_FIELD_DATE_ENTRIES)
                if (lpInputBuffer[index] >= '0' && lpInputBuffer[index] <= '9')
                    // we have a numerical entry, scan through it and convent to DWORD
                    rgdwDateParseResults[i] = 0;
                        rgdwDateParseResults[i] *= BASE_DEC;
                        rgdwDateParseResults[i] += (lpInputBuffer[index] - '0');
                    } while (index < DateString.Length &&
                             lpInputBuffer[index] >= '0' &&
                             lpInputBuffer[index] <= '9');
                    i++; // next token
                else if ((lpInputBuffer[index] >= 'A' && lpInputBuffer[index] <= 'Z') ||
                         (lpInputBuffer[index] >= 'a' && lpInputBuffer[index] <= 'z'))
                    // we have a string, should be a day, month, or GMT
                    //   lets skim to the end of the string
                    rgdwDateParseResults[i] =
                    MapDayMonthToDword(lpInputBuffer, index);
                    iLastLettered = i;
                    // We want to ignore the possibility of a time zone such as PST or EST in a non-standard
                    // date format such as "Thu Dec 17 16:01:28 PST 1998" (Notice that the year is _after_ the time zone
                    if ((rgdwDateParseResults[i] == DATE_TOKEN_ERROR)
                        !(fIsANSIDateFormat && (i == DATE_ANSI_INDEX_YEAR)))
                        fRet = false;
                        goto quit;
                    // At this point if we have a vaild string
                    //  at this index, we know for sure that we're
                    //  looking at a ANSI type DATE format.
                    if (i == DATE_ANSI_INDEX_MONTH)
                        fIsANSIDateFormat = true;
                    // Read past the end of the current set of alpha characters,
                    //  as MapDayMonthToDword only peeks at a few characters
                    } while (index < DateString.Length &&
                             ((lpInputBuffer[index] >= 'A' && lpInputBuffer[index] <= 'Z') ||
                               (lpInputBuffer[index] >= 'a' && lpInputBuffer[index] <= 'z')));
                    i++; // next token
                    // For the generic case its either a space, comma, semi-colon, etc.
                    //  the point is we really don't care, nor do we need to waste time
                    //  worring about it (the orginal code did).   The point is we
                    //  care about the actual date information, So we just advance to the
                    //  next lexume.
            // We're finished parsing the string, now take the parsed tokens
            //  and turn them to the actual structured information we care about.
            //  So we build lpSysTime from the Array, using a local if none is passed in.
            int year;
            int month;
            int day;
            int hour;
            int minute;
            int second;
            int millisecond;
            millisecond = 0;
            if (fIsANSIDateFormat)
                day = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_DAY];
                month = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_MONTH];
                hour = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_HRS];
                minute = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_MINS];
                second = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_SECS];
                if (iLastLettered != DATE_ANSI_INDEX_YEAR)
                    year = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_ANSI_INDEX_YEAR];
                    // This is a fix to get around toString/toGMTstring (where the timezone is
                    // appended at the end. (See above)
                    year = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_INDEX_TZ];
                day = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_DAY];
                month = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_MONTH];
                year = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_YEAR];
                hour = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_HRS];
                minute = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_MINS];
                second = rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_1123_INDEX_SECS];
            // Normalize the year, 90 == 1990, handle the year 2000, 02 == 2002
            //  This is Year 2000 handling folks!!!  We get this wrong and
            //  we all look bad.
            if (year < 100)
                year += ((year < 80) ? 2000 : 1900);
            // if we got misformed time, then plug in the current time
            // !lpszHrs || !lpszMins || !lpszSec
            if ((i < 4)
                || (day > 31)
                || (hour > 23)
                || (minute > 59)
                || (second > 59))
                fRet = false;
                goto quit;
            // Now do the DateTime conversion
            dtOut = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
            // we want the system time to be accurate. This is _suhlow_
            // The time passed in is in the local time zone; we have to convert this into GMT.
            if (iLastLettered == DATE_ANSI_INDEX_YEAR)
                // this should be an unusual case.
                dtOut = dtOut.ToUniversalTime();
            // If we have an Offset to another Time Zone
            //   then convert to appropriate GMT time
            if ((i > DATE_INDEX_TZ &&
                 rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_INDEX_TZ] != DATE_TOKEN_GMT))
                // if we received +/-nnnn as offset (hhmm), modify the output FILETIME
                double offset;
                offset = (double)rgdwDateParseResults[DATE_INDEX_TZ];
            // In the end, we leave it all in LocalTime
            dtOut = dtOut.ToLocalTime();
            return fRet;