System\Runtime\Collections\ObjectCache.cs (15)
39Fx.Assert(settings != null, "caller must use a valid settings object");
75Fx.Assert(key != null, "caller must validate parameters");
76Fx.Assert(value != null, "caller must validate parameters");
99Fx.Assert(key != null, "caller must validate parameters");
118Fx.Assert(createdObject != null, "initializer delegate must always give us a valid object");
168Fx.Assert(removedFromItems, "we should always find the key");
203Fx.Assert(!item.Equals(default(T)), "item should never be null");
407Fx.Assert(this.parent.cacheItems.ContainsValue(this), "should have a valid value");
408Fx.Assert(this.Value != null, "should have a valid value");
428Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == 1, "reference count should have never increased");
458Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount >= 0, "cannot take the item marked for disposal");
464Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount > 0, "can only release an item that has references");
471Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == 0, "we should only dispose items without references");
482Fx.Assert(localDisposeItemCallback == null, "shouldn't have both this.disposeItemCallback and this.parent");
502Fx.Assert(this.referenceCount == -1, "we should only dispose items that have had LockedDispose called on them");
System\Runtime\IOThreadScheduler.cs (14)
91Fx.Assert(capacity > 0, "Capacity must be positive.");
92Fx.Assert(capacity <= 0x8000, "Capacity cannot exceed 32k.");
94Fx.Assert(capacityLowPri > 0, "Low-priority capacity must be positive.");
95Fx.Assert(capacityLowPri <= 0x8000, "Low-priority capacity cannot exceed 32k.");
98Fx.Assert((this.slots.Length & SlotMask) == 0, "Capacity must be a power of two.");
101Fx.Assert((this.slotsLowPri.Length & SlotMaskLowPri) == 0, "Low-priority capacity must be a power of two.");
160Fx.Assert(Bits.Count(slot) != 0, "IOTS went idle when it shouldn't have.");
258Fx.Assert(Bits.Count(slot) != -1, "CompletionCallback called on idle IOTS!");
493Fx.Assert(this.callback == null, "Slot already has a work item.");
494Fx.Assert((gateSnapshot & Bits.HiBits) == 0, "Slot already marked.");
501Fx.Assert((gateSnapshot & Bits.HiBits) == Bits.LoHiBit, "Slot already empty.");
613Fx.Assert(iots != null, "Overlapped completed without a scheduler.");
643Fx.Assert(this.scheduler == null, "Post called on an overlapped that is already posted.");
644Fx.Assert(iots != null, "Post called with a null scheduler.");