// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// <OWNER>jeffcoop</OWNER>
// <OWNER>Microsoft</OWNER>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
// Data protectors should be derived from this class
public abstract class DataProtector
private string m_applicationName;
private string m_primaryPurpose;
private IEnumerable<string> m_specificPurposes;
private volatile byte[] m_hashedPurpose;
// Required Constructor for DataProtector
protected DataProtector(string applicationName,
string primaryPurpose,
string[] specificPurposes)
// We require that applicationName, primaryPurpose, and specificPurpose elements to be provided and not whitespace
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationName))
throw new ArgumentException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidAppNameOrPurpose"), "applicationName");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(primaryPurpose))
throw new ArgumentException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidAppNameOrPurpose"), "primaryPurpose");
// Check each of the specific purposes if they were passed
if (specificPurposes != null)
foreach (string purpose in specificPurposes)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(purpose))
throw new ArgumentException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidAppNameOrPurpose"), "specificPurposes");
m_applicationName = applicationName;
m_primaryPurpose = primaryPurpose;
List<string> specificPurposesList = new List<string>();
if (specificPurposes != null)
m_specificPurposes = specificPurposesList;
protected string ApplicationName
get { return m_applicationName; }
// We will be safe and assume that derived classes want to have the hash pre-pended to the plain text
// before encryption, and checked and verified during decryption. If a derived class wants to use
// HashedPurpose on its own (e.g. as OptionalEntropy to DPAPI or for some sort of key derivation), this
// property can be overridden and set to return false. We will then just pass Protect/Unprotect directly
// through to ProviderProtect/ProviderUnprotect without altering the array
protected virtual bool PrependHashedPurposeToPlaintext
get { return true; }
// A hash of the full purpose passed to the constructor or factory
protected virtual byte[] GetHashedPurpose()
if (m_hashedPurpose == null)
// Compute hash of the full purpose. The full purpose is a concatination of all the
// parts - applicationName, primaryPurpose,and specificPurposes[]. We prefix each part with
// the length so we know the process is reversible
using (HashAlgorithm sha256 = HashAlgorithm.Create("System.Security.Cryptography.Sha256Cng"))
using (BinaryWriter stream = new BinaryWriter(new CryptoStream(new MemoryStream(), sha256, CryptoStreamMode.Write), new UTF8Encoding(false, true)))
// Add applicationName to the hash
// Add primaryPurpose to the hash
// If they exist, add each specificPurposes element to the hash
foreach (string purpose in SpecificPurposes)
// Now that the CryptoStream is closed, sha256 should have the computed hash
m_hashedPurpose = sha256.Hash;
return m_hashedPurpose;
// Allow callers to directly request if an Update is required
// (e.g. the key used in encryptedData blob is out of date)
public abstract bool IsReprotectRequired(byte[] encryptedData);
protected string PrimaryPurpose
get { return m_primaryPurpose; }
protected IEnumerable<string> SpecificPurposes
get { return m_specificPurposes; }
// Static factory method to create a DataProtector given a type name, a purpose, and a dictionary of parameters
public static DataProtector Create(string providerClass,
string applicationName,
string primaryPurpose,
params string[] specificPurposes)
// Make sure providerClass is not null - Other parameters checked in constructor
if (null == providerClass)
throw new ArgumentNullException("providerClass");
// Create a DataProtector based on this type using CryptoConfig
return (DataProtector)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(providerClass, applicationName, primaryPurpose, specificPurposes);
// Methods for protect/unprotect
public byte[] Protect(byte[] userData)
// Make sure we were passed some data - empty array OK
if (userData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userData");
// See if the derived class has set PrependHashedPurposeToPlainText to true.
// If so, we have to pre-pend the hash of the purpose to the plain text before encrypting
if (PrependHashedPurposeToPlaintext)
byte[] hashedPurpose = GetHashedPurpose();
// Allocate enough space for userData and HashedPurpose
byte[] userDataWithHashedPurpose = new byte[userData.Length + hashedPurpose.Length];
// Copy HashedPurpose to the start of the new array
Array.Copy(hashedPurpose, 0, userDataWithHashedPurpose, 0, hashedPurpose.Length);
// Copy original user data after HashedPurpose
Array.Copy(userData, 0, userDataWithHashedPurpose, hashedPurpose.Length, userData.Length);
// Swap new array with original user data
userData = userDataWithHashedPurpose;
return ProviderProtect(userData);
// Derived classes implement these methods
protected abstract byte[] ProviderProtect(byte[] userData);
protected abstract byte[] ProviderUnprotect(byte[] encryptedData);
public byte[] Unprotect(byte[] encryptedData)
// Make sure we were given some encrypted data
if (encryptedData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("encryptedData");
// See if the derived class has set PrependHashedPurposeToPlaintext to true.
// If so, we have to verify that the first bytes of the plain text are the HashedPurpose
// Then, return the remaining bytes as the original data.
if (PrependHashedPurposeToPlaintext)
// Get the plainText that includes the hash of the purpose
byte[] plainTextWithHashedPurpose = ProviderUnprotect(encryptedData);
byte[] hashedPurpose = GetHashedPurpose();
// In this code block, we don't want any timing differences between success and failure
// Don't touch this code block without crypto board review
if (!SignedXml.CryptographicEquals(hashedPurpose, plainTextWithHashedPurpose, hashedPurpose.Length))
throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_DataProtector_InvalidPurpose"));
// Now we've verified that the expected hash was at the start of the plain text. The original
// plain text specified by the user appears after these bytes. Create a new array and copy
// what the caller is expecting into this array
byte[] plainText = new byte[plainTextWithHashedPurpose.Length - hashedPurpose.Length];
Array.Copy(plainTextWithHashedPurpose, hashedPurpose.Length, plainText, 0, plainText.Length);
return plainText;
return ProviderUnprotect(encryptedData);