3 writes to count
System.Runtime.Serialization (3)
System\Xml\XmlBaseWriter.cs (3)
2498this.count = inputState.Arguments.Count; 2514this.count--; 2642this.count = 0;
7 references to count
System.Runtime.Serialization (7)
System\Xml\XmlBaseWriter.cs (7)
2505if (this.count > 0) 2511while (this.writer.trailByteCount < 3 && this.count > 0) 2518this.totalByteCount = this.writer.trailByteCount + this.count; 2539Buffer.BlockCopy(this.buffer, this.offset, this.writer.trailBytes, this.writer.trailByteCount, this.count); 2540this.writer.trailByteCount += this.count; 2592Fx.Assert(this.count > 0 && this.actualByteCount >= 3, "HandleWriteBase64Text cannot be invoked with less than 3 bytes."); 2629int trailOffset = offset + count - this.writer.trailByteCount;