// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// File: SudsCommon.cs
// Author: Peter de Jong (Microsoft)
// Purpose: Classes common to the SudsWriter and SudsParser
// Date: November 18, 2000
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.MetadataServices
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001;
using System.Globalization;
public enum SdlType
Sdl = 0,
Wsdl = 1
internal enum UrtType
None = 0,
Interop = 1,
UrtSystem = 2,
UrtUser = 3,
Xsd = 4,
internal enum SUDSType
None = 0,
ClientProxy = 1,
MarshalByRef = 2,
internal enum XsdVersion
V1999 = 0,
V2000 = 1,
V2001 = 2,
internal static class SudsConverter
internal static String Xsd1999 = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema";
internal static String Xsi1999 = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance";
internal static String Xsd2000 = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema";
internal static String Xsi2000 = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance";
internal static String Xsd2001 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
internal static String Xsi2001 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
internal static Type typeofByte = typeof(Byte);
internal static Type typeofSByte = typeof(SByte);
internal static Type typeofBoolean = typeof(Boolean);
internal static Type typeofChar = typeof(Char);
internal static Type typeofDouble = typeof(Double);
internal static Type typeofSingle = typeof(Single);
internal static Type typeofDecimal = typeof(Decimal);
internal static Type typeofInt16 = typeof(Int16);
internal static Type typeofInt32 = typeof(Int32);
internal static Type typeofInt64 = typeof(Int64);
internal static Type typeofUInt16 = typeof(UInt16);
internal static Type typeofUInt32 = typeof(UInt32);
internal static Type typeofUInt64 = typeof(UInt64);
internal static Type typeofSoapTime = typeof(SoapTime);
internal static Type typeofSoapDate = typeof(SoapDate);
internal static Type typeofSoapYearMonth = typeof(SoapYearMonth);
internal static Type typeofSoapYear = typeof(SoapYear);
internal static Type typeofSoapMonthDay = typeof(SoapMonthDay);
internal static Type typeofSoapDay = typeof(SoapDay);
internal static Type typeofSoapMonth = typeof(SoapMonth);
internal static Type typeofSoapHexBinary = typeof(SoapHexBinary);
internal static Type typeofSoapBase64Binary = typeof(SoapBase64Binary);
internal static Type typeofSoapInteger = typeof(SoapInteger);
internal static Type typeofSoapPositiveInteger = typeof(SoapPositiveInteger);
internal static Type typeofSoapNonPositiveInteger = typeof(SoapNonPositiveInteger);
internal static Type typeofSoapNonNegativeInteger = typeof(SoapNonNegativeInteger);
internal static Type typeofSoapNegativeInteger = typeof(SoapNegativeInteger);
internal static Type typeofSoapAnyUri = typeof(SoapAnyUri);
internal static Type typeofSoapQName = typeof(SoapQName);
internal static Type typeofSoapNotation = typeof(SoapNotation);
internal static Type typeofSoapNormalizedString = typeof(SoapNormalizedString);
internal static Type typeofSoapToken = typeof(SoapToken);
internal static Type typeofSoapLanguage = typeof(SoapLanguage);
internal static Type typeofSoapName = typeof(SoapName);
internal static Type typeofSoapIdrefs = typeof(SoapIdrefs);
internal static Type typeofSoapEntities = typeof(SoapEntities);
internal static Type typeofSoapNmtoken = typeof(SoapNmtoken);
internal static Type typeofSoapNmtokens = typeof(SoapNmtokens);
internal static Type typeofSoapNcName = typeof(SoapNcName);
internal static Type typeofSoapId = typeof(SoapId);
internal static Type typeofSoapIdref = typeof(SoapIdref);
internal static Type typeofSoapEntity = typeof(SoapEntity);
internal static Type typeofString = typeof(String);
internal static Type typeofObject = typeof(Object);
internal static Type typeofVoid = typeof(void);
internal static Type typeofDateTime = typeof(DateTime);
internal static Type typeofTimeSpan = typeof(TimeSpan);
internal static Type typeofISoapXsd = typeof(ISoapXsd);
internal static String GetXsdVersion(XsdVersion xsdVersion)
String version = null;
if (xsdVersion == XsdVersion.V1999)
version = Xsd1999;
else if (xsdVersion == XsdVersion.V2000)
version = Xsd2000;
version = Xsd2001;
return version;
internal static String GetXsiVersion(XsdVersion xsdVersion)
String version = null;
if (xsdVersion == XsdVersion.V1999)
version = Xsi1999;
else if (xsdVersion == XsdVersion.V2000)
version = Xsi2000;
version = Xsi2001;
return version;
internal static String MapClrTypeToXsdType(Type clrType)
String typeName = null;
if (clrType == typeofChar)
return null;
if (clrType.IsPrimitive)
if (clrType == typeofByte)
typeName = "xsd:unsignedByte";
else if (clrType == typeofSByte)
typeName = "xsd:byte";
else if (clrType == typeofBoolean)
typeName = "xsd:boolean";
else if (clrType == typeofChar)
typeName = "xsd:char"; //Not an xsd type, but need a way to identify a char
else if (clrType == typeofDouble)
typeName = "xsd:double";
else if (clrType == typeofSingle)
typeName = "xsd:float";
else if (clrType == typeofDecimal)
typeName = "xsd:decimal";
else if (clrType == typeofDateTime)
typeName = "xsd:dateTime";
else if (clrType == typeofInt16)
typeName = "xsd:short";
else if (clrType == typeofInt32)
typeName = "xsd:int";
else if (clrType == typeofInt64)
typeName = "xsd:long";
else if (clrType == typeofUInt16)
typeName = "xsd:unsignedShort";
else if (clrType == typeofUInt32)
typeName = "xsd:unsignedInt";
else if (clrType == typeofUInt64)
typeName = "xsd:unsignedLong";
else if (clrType == typeofTimeSpan)
typeName = "xsd:duration";
else if (typeofISoapXsd.IsAssignableFrom(clrType))
if (clrType == typeofSoapTime)
typeName = SoapTime.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapDate)
typeName = SoapDate.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapYearMonth)
typeName = SoapYearMonth.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapYear)
typeName = SoapYear.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapMonthDay)
typeName = SoapMonthDay.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapDay)
typeName = SoapDay.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapMonth)
typeName = SoapMonth.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapHexBinary)
typeName = SoapHexBinary.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapBase64Binary)
typeName = SoapBase64Binary.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapInteger)
typeName = SoapInteger.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapPositiveInteger)
typeName = SoapPositiveInteger.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNonPositiveInteger)
typeName = SoapNonPositiveInteger.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNonNegativeInteger)
typeName = SoapNonNegativeInteger.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNegativeInteger)
typeName = SoapNegativeInteger.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapAnyUri)
typeName = SoapAnyUri.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapQName)
typeName = SoapQName.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNotation)
typeName = SoapNotation.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNormalizedString)
typeName = SoapNormalizedString.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapToken)
typeName = SoapToken.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapLanguage)
typeName = SoapLanguage.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapName)
typeName = SoapName.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapIdrefs)
typeName = SoapIdrefs.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapEntities)
typeName = SoapEntities.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNmtoken)
typeName = SoapNmtoken.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNmtokens)
typeName = SoapNmtokens.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapNcName)
typeName = SoapNcName.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapId)
typeName = SoapId.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapIdref)
typeName = SoapIdref.XsdType;
else if (clrType == typeofSoapEntity)
typeName = SoapEntity.XsdType;
typeName = "xsd:"+typeName;
else if (clrType == typeofString)
typeName = "xsd:string";
else if (clrType == typeofDecimal)
typeName = "xsd:decimal";
else if (clrType == typeofObject)
typeName = "xsd:anyType";
else if (clrType == typeofVoid)
typeName = "void";
else if (clrType == typeofDateTime)
typeName = "xsd:dateTime";
else if (clrType == typeofTimeSpan)
typeName = "xsd:duration";
return typeName;
internal static String MapXsdToClrTypes(String xsdType)
String lxsdType = xsdType.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
String clrType = null;
if (xsdType == null || xsdType.Length == 0)
return null;
switch (lxsdType[0])
case 'a':
if (lxsdType == "anyuri")
clrType = "SoapAnyUri";
else if (lxsdType == "anytype" || lxsdType == "ur-type")
clrType = "Object";
case 'b':
if (lxsdType == "boolean")
clrType = "Boolean";
else if (lxsdType == "byte")
clrType = "SByte";
else if (lxsdType == "base64binary")
clrType = "SoapBase64Binary";
case 'c':
if (lxsdType == "char")
clrType = "Char";
case 'd':
if (lxsdType == "double")
clrType = "Double";
else if (lxsdType == "datetime")
clrType = "DateTime";
else if (lxsdType == "decimal")
clrType = "Decimal";
else if (lxsdType == "duration")
clrType = "TimeSpan";
else if (lxsdType == "date")
clrType = "SoapDate";
case 'e':
if (lxsdType == "entities")
clrType = "SoapEntities";
else if (lxsdType == "entity")
clrType = "SoapEntity";
case 'f':
if (lxsdType == "float")
clrType = "Single";
case 'g':
if (lxsdType == "gyearmonth")
clrType = "SoapYearMonth";
else if (lxsdType == "gyear")
clrType = "SoapYear";
else if (lxsdType == "gmonthday")
clrType = "SoapMonthDay";
else if (lxsdType == "gday")
clrType = "SoapDay";
else if (lxsdType == "gmonth")
clrType = "SoapMonth";
case 'h':
if (lxsdType == "hexbinary")
clrType = "SoapHexBinary";
case 'i':
if (lxsdType == "int")
clrType = "Int32";
else if (lxsdType == "integer")
clrType = "SoapInteger";
else if (lxsdType == "idrefs")
clrType = "SoapIdrefs";
else if (lxsdType == "id")
clrType = "SoapId";
else if (lxsdType == "idref")
clrType = "SoapIdref";
case 'l':
if (lxsdType == "long")
clrType = "Int64";
else if (lxsdType == "language")
clrType = "SoapLanguage";
case 'n':
if (lxsdType == "number")
clrType = "Decimal";
else if (lxsdType == "normalizedstring")
clrType = "SoapNormalizedString";
else if (lxsdType == "nonpositiveinteger")
clrType = "SoapNonPositiveInteger";
else if (lxsdType == "negativeinteger")
clrType = "SoapNegativeInteger";
else if (lxsdType == "nonnegativeinteger")
clrType = "SoapNonNegativeInteger";
else if (lxsdType == "notation")
clrType = "SoapNotation";
else if (lxsdType == "nmtoken")
clrType = "SoapNmtoken";
else if (lxsdType == "nmtokens")
clrType = "SoapNmtokens";
else if (lxsdType == "name")
clrType = "SoapName";
else if (lxsdType == "ncname")
clrType = "SoapNcName";
case 'p':
if (lxsdType == "positiveinteger")
clrType = "SoapPositiveInteger";
case 'q':
if (lxsdType == "qname")
clrType = "SoapQName";
case 's':
if (lxsdType == "string")
clrType = "String";
else if (lxsdType == "short")
clrType = "Int16";
case 't':
if (lxsdType == "time")
clrType = "SoapTime";
else if (lxsdType == "token")
clrType = "SoapToken";
case 'u':
if (lxsdType == "unsignedlong")
clrType = "UInt64";
else if (lxsdType == "unsignedint")
clrType = "UInt32";
else if (lxsdType == "unsignedshort")
clrType = "UInt16";
else if (lxsdType == "unsignedbyte")
clrType = "Byte";
return clrType;
internal static class Util
//internal static FileStream fout = null;
// disable csharp compiler warning #0414: field assigned unused value
#pragma warning disable 0414
internal static StreamWriter writer = null;
#pragma warning restore 0414
internal static void Log(String message)
//InternalRM.InfoSoap(message); //uncomment for traces
if (fout == null)
fout = new FileStream("suds.log", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
writer = new StreamWriter(fout);
writer.AutoFlush = true;
internal static void LogInput(ref TextReader input)
if (InternalRM.SoapCheckEnabled())
String strbuffer = input.ReadToEnd();
InternalRM.InfoSoap("******************End WSDL******************");
input = (TextReader)new StringReader(strbuffer);
internal static void LogString(String strbuffer)
InternalRM.InfoSoap("******************End WSDL******************");