File: Configuration\AppSettings.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\managedlibraries\remoting\System.Runtime.Remoting.csproj (System.Runtime.Remoting)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
//  File:       AppSettings.cs
//  Summary:    AppSettings container for .Net Remoting.
using System;
using System.Configuration;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Configuration
    internal static class AppSettings
        // All supported appSettings keys, default values, and fwlinks where appropriate
        internal static readonly string AllowTransparentProxyMessageKeyName = "microsoft:Remoting:AllowTransparentProxyMessage";
        internal static readonly bool AllowTransparentProxyMessageDefaultValue = false;
        internal static readonly string AllowTransparentProxyMessageFwLink = "";
        internal static readonly string AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsKeyName = "microsoft:Remoting:AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrls";
        internal static readonly bool AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsDefaultValue = false;
        // All appSettings must be initialized to their default value in case appSettings section is not present.
        private static bool allowTransparentProxyMessageValue = AllowTransparentProxyMessageDefaultValue;
        private static bool allowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsValue = AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsDefaultValue;
        private static volatile bool settingsInitialized = false;
        private static object appSettingsLock = new object();
        internal static bool AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrls
                return allowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsValue;
        internal static bool AllowTransparentProxyMessage
                return allowTransparentProxyMessageValue;
        private static void EnsureSettingsLoaded()
            if (!settingsInitialized)
                lock (appSettingsLock)
                    if (!settingsInitialized)
                            AppSettingsReader reader = new AppSettingsReader();
                            object value = null;
                            if (TryGetValue(reader, AllowTransparentProxyMessageKeyName, typeof(bool), out value))
                                allowTransparentProxyMessageValue = (bool)value;
                                allowTransparentProxyMessageValue = AllowTransparentProxyMessageDefaultValue;
                            if (TryGetValue(reader, AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsKeyName, typeof(bool), out value))
                                allowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsValue = (bool)value;
                                allowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsValue = AllowUnsanitizedWSDLUrlsDefaultValue;
                            // AppSettingsReader.ctor will throw if no appSettings section
                            settingsInitialized = true;
        // Helper method to provide a TryGetValue for AppSettingsReader.
        // AppSettingReader is used to avoid taking a direct dependendency on System.Configuration.dll.
        // In .Net 1.1, AppSettingsReader uses System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.
        // Later versions of .Net use System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.
        // No version of AppSettingsReader provides a TryGetValue.
        private static bool TryGetValue(AppSettingsReader appSettingsReader, string key, Type type, out object value)
                // GetValue throws if arguments are null, key is not present or Convert.ChangeType cannot convert to 'type'
                value = appSettingsReader.GetValue(key, type);
                return true;
                value = null;
                return false;
} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Configuration