28 writes to Y
System.Numerics (28)
System\Numerics\Quaternion.cs (28)
57this.Y = y; 70Y = vectorPart.Y; 109ans.Y = value.Y * invNorm; 126ans.Y = -value.Y; 150ans.Y = -value.Y * invNorm; 172ans.Y = axis.Y * s; 207result.Y = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr; 231q.Y = (matrix.M31 - matrix.M13) * s; 241q.Y = (matrix.M12 + matrix.M21) * invS; 250q.Y = 0.5f * s; 259q.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) * invS; 328ans.Y = s1 * quaternion1.Y + s2 * quaternion2.Y; 355r.Y = t1 * quaternion1.Y + t * quaternion2.Y; 362r.Y = t1 * quaternion1.Y - t * quaternion2.Y; 372r.Y *= invNorm; 409ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy; 426ans.Y = -value.Y; 444ans.Y = value1.Y + value2.Y; 462ans.Y = value1.Y - value2.Y; 497ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy; 515ans.Y = value1.Y * value2; 559ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy; 576ans.Y = -value.Y; 594ans.Y = value1.Y + value2.Y; 612ans.Y = value1.Y - value2.Y; 647ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy; 665ans.Y = value1.Y * value2; 709ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy;
92 references to Y
System.Numerics (92)
System\Numerics\Matrix4x4.cs (9)
1123float yy = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y; 1126float xy = quaternion.X * quaternion.Y; 1129float wy = quaternion.Y * quaternion.W; 1130float yz = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Z; 1695float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 1704float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 1705float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2;
System\Numerics\Plane.cs (4)
187float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 196float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 197float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2;
System\Numerics\Quaternion.cs (60)
44get { return X == 0f && Y == 0f && Z == 0f && W == 1f; } 81float ls = X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z + W * W; 92return X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z + W * W; 104float ls = value.X * value.X + value.Y * value.Y + value.Z * value.Z + value.W * value.W; 109ans.Y = value.Y * invNorm; 126ans.Y = -value.Y; 146float ls = value.X * value.X + value.Y * value.Y + value.Z * value.Z + value.W * value.W; 150ans.Y = -value.Y * invNorm; 277quaternion1.Y * quaternion2.Y + 295float cosOmega = quaternion1.X * quaternion2.X + quaternion1.Y * quaternion2.Y + 328ans.Y = s1 * quaternion1.Y + s2 * quaternion2.Y; 349float dot = quaternion1.X * quaternion2.X + quaternion1.Y * quaternion2.Y + 355r.Y = t1 * quaternion1.Y + t * quaternion2.Y; 362r.Y = t1 * quaternion1.Y - t * quaternion2.Y; 368float ls = r.X * r.X + r.Y * r.Y + r.Z * r.Z + r.W * r.W; 392float q1y = value2.Y; 397float q2y = value1.Y; 426ans.Y = -value.Y; 444ans.Y = value1.Y + value2.Y; 462ans.Y = value1.Y - value2.Y; 480float q1y = value1.Y; 485float q2y = value2.Y; 515ans.Y = value1.Y * value2; 533float q1y = value1.Y; 539float ls = value2.X * value2.X + value2.Y * value2.Y + 544float q2y = -value2.Y * invNorm; 576ans.Y = -value.Y; 594ans.Y = value1.Y + value2.Y; 612ans.Y = value1.Y - value2.Y; 630float q1y = value1.Y; 635float q2y = value2.Y; 665ans.Y = value1.Y * value2; 683float q1y = value1.Y; 689float ls = value2.X * value2.X + value2.Y * value2.Y + 694float q2y = -value2.Y * invNorm; 725value1.Y == value2.Y && 739value1.Y != value2.Y || 752Y == other.Y && 780return String.Format(ci, "{{X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} W:{3}}}", X.ToString(ci), Y.ToString(ci), Z.ToString(ci), W.ToString(ci)); 789return X.GetHashCode() + Y.GetHashCode() + Z.GetHashCode() + W.GetHashCode();
System\Numerics\Vector2.cs (3)
336float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 342float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2;
System\Numerics\Vector3.cs (4)
350float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 359float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 360float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2;
System\Numerics\Vector4.cs (12)
339float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 348float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 349float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2; 369float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 378float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 379float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2; 399float y2 = rotation.Y + rotation.Y; 408float yy2 = rotation.Y * y2; 409float yz2 = rotation.Y * z2;