2 writes to X
System.Numerics (2)
System\Numerics\Matrix4x4.cs (1)
1529scale.X = pVectorBasis[0]->Length();
System\Numerics\Vector3_Intrinsics.cs (1)
53X = x;
139 references to X
System.Numerics (139)
System\Numerics\Matrix4x4.cs (41)
125M41 = value.X; 197objectPosition.X - cameraPosition.X, 218result.M11 = xaxis.X; 222result.M21 = yaxis.X; 226result.M31 = zaxis.X; 231result.M41 = objectPosition.X; 255objectPosition.X - cameraPosition.X, 300result.M11 = xaxis.X; 304result.M21 = yaxis.X; 308result.M31 = zaxis.X; 313result.M41 = objectPosition.X; 343result.M41 = position.X; 426float tx = centerPoint.X * (1 - xScale); 459result.M11 = scales.X; 489float tx = centerPoint.X * (1 - scales.X); 493result.M11 = scales.X; 552float tx = centerPoint.X * (1 - scale); 701float x = centerPoint.X * (1 - c) - centerPoint.Z * s; 702float z = centerPoint.Z * (1 - c) + centerPoint.X * s; 777float x = centerPoint.X * (1 - c) + centerPoint.Y * s; 778float y = centerPoint.Y * (1 - c) - centerPoint.X * s; 837float x = axis.X, y = axis.Y, z = axis.Z; 1058result.M11 = xaxis.X; 1059result.M12 = yaxis.X; 1060result.M13 = zaxis.X; 1093result.M11 = xaxis.X; 1097result.M21 = yaxis.X; 1101result.M31 = zaxis.X; 1105result.M41 = position.X; 1177float dot = p.Normal.X * lightDirection.X + p.Normal.Y * lightDirection.Y + p.Normal.Z * lightDirection.Z; 1178float a = -p.Normal.X; 1185result.M11 = a * lightDirection.X + dot; 1186result.M21 = b * lightDirection.X; 1187result.M31 = c * lightDirection.X; 1188result.M41 = d * lightDirection.X; 1217float a = value.Normal.X; 1598fAbsX = (float)Math.Abs(pVectorBasis[a]->X);
System\Numerics\Plane.cs (22)
84float ax = point2.X - point1.X; 88float bx = point3.X - point1.X; 108-(normal.X * point1.X + normal.Y * point1.Y + normal.Z * point1.Z)); 136float f = value.Normal.X * value.Normal.X + value.Normal.Y * value.Normal.Y + value.Normal.Z * value.Normal.Z; 146value.Normal.X * fInv, 166float x = plane.Normal.X, y = plane.Normal.Y, z = plane.Normal.Z, w = plane.D; 212float x = plane.Normal.X, y = plane.Normal.Y, z = plane.Normal.Z; 230return plane.Normal.X * value.X + 251return plane.Normal.X * value.X + 273return plane.Normal.X * value.X + 288return (value1.Normal.X == value2.Normal.X && 303return (value1.Normal.X != value2.Normal.X || 323return (Normal.X == other.Normal.X &&
System\Numerics\Quaternion.cs (2)
69X = vectorPart.X; 171ans.X = axis.X * s;
System\Numerics\Vector3.cs (38)
46int hash = this.X.GetHashCode(); 96sb.Append(((IFormattable)this.X).ToString(format, formatProvider)); 121float ls = X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z; 139return X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z; 162float dx = value1.X - value2.X; 188float dx = value1.X - value2.X; 211float ls = value.X * value.X + value.Y * value.Y + value.Z * value.Z; 213return new Vector3(value.X / length, value.Y / length, value.Z / length); 228vector1.Z * vector2.X - vector1.X * vector2.Z, 229vector1.X * vector2.Y - vector1.Y * vector2.X); 249float dot = vector.X * normal.X + vector.Y * normal.Y + vector.Z * normal.Z; 250float tempX = normal.X * dot * 2f; 253return new Vector3(vector.X - tempX, vector.Y - tempY, vector.Z - tempZ); 270float x = value1.X; 271x = (x > max.X) ? max.X : x; 272x = (x < min.X) ? min.X : x; 304value1.X + (value2.X - value1.X) * amount, 320position.X * matrix.M11 + position.Y * matrix.M21 + position.Z * matrix.M31 + matrix.M41, 321position.X * matrix.M12 + position.Y * matrix.M22 + position.Z * matrix.M32 + matrix.M42, 322position.X * matrix.M13 + position.Y * matrix.M23 + position.Z * matrix.M33 + matrix.M43); 335normal.X * matrix.M11 + normal.Y * matrix.M21 + normal.Z * matrix.M31, 336normal.X * matrix.M12 + normal.Y * matrix.M22 + normal.Z * matrix.M32, 337normal.X * matrix.M13 + normal.Y * matrix.M23 + normal.Z * matrix.M33); 364value.X * (1.0f - yy2 - zz2) + value.Y * (xy2 - wz2) + value.Z * (xz2 + wy2), 365value.X * (xy2 + wz2) + value.Y * (1.0f - xx2 - zz2) + value.Z * (yz2 - wx2), 366value.X * (xz2 - wy2) + value.Y * (yz2 + wx2) + value.Z * (1.0f - xx2 - yy2));
System\Numerics\Vector3_Intrinsics.cs (28)
93array[index] = X; 106return X == other.X && 123return vector1.X * vector2.X + 138(value1.X < value2.X) ? value1.X : value2.X, 154(value1.X > value2.X) ? value1.X : value2.X, 168return new Vector3(Math.Abs(value.X), Math.Abs(value.Y), Math.Abs(value.Z)); 180return new Vector3((Single)Math.Sqrt(value.X), (Single)Math.Sqrt(value.Y), (Single)Math.Sqrt(value.Z)); 195return new Vector3(left.X + right.X, left.Y + right.Y, left.Z + right.Z); 208return new Vector3(left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y, left.Z - right.Z); 221return new Vector3(left.X * right.X, left.Y * right.Y, left.Z * right.Z); 260return new Vector3(left.X / right.X, left.Y / right.Y, left.Z / right.Z); 276value1.X * invDiv, 302return (left.X == right.X && 316return (left.X != right.X ||
System\Numerics\Vector4.cs (7)
307position.X * matrix.M11 + position.Y * matrix.M21 + position.Z * matrix.M31 + matrix.M41, 308position.X * matrix.M12 + position.Y * matrix.M22 + position.Z * matrix.M32 + matrix.M42, 309position.X * matrix.M13 + position.Y * matrix.M23 + position.Z * matrix.M33 + matrix.M43, 310position.X * matrix.M14 + position.Y * matrix.M24 + position.Z * matrix.M34 + matrix.M44); 383value.X * (1.0f - yy2 - zz2) + value.Y * (xy2 - wz2) + value.Z * (xz2 + wy2), 384value.X * (xy2 + wz2) + value.Y * (1.0f - xx2 - zz2) + value.Z * (yz2 - wx2), 385value.X * (xz2 - wy2) + value.Y * (yz2 + wx2) + value.Z * (1.0f - xx2 - yy2),
System\Numerics\Vector4_Intrinsics.cs (1)
80X = value.X;