29 writes to _bits
System.Numerics (29)
System\Numerics\BigInteger.cs (29)
398_bits = null; 409_bits = null; 414_bits = new uint[1]; 429_bits = null; 448_bits = new uint[2]; 460_bits = null; 465_bits = new uint[2]; 481_bits = null; 495_bits = null; 518_bits = null; 521_bits = new UInt32[size]; 552_bits = null; 569_bits = null; 577_bits = new uint[1]; 635_bits = null; 640_bits = new uint[len]; 645_bits = val; 651_bits = val; 660_bits = rgu; 692_bits = null; 700_bits = new uint[len]; 733_bits = new uint[1]; 743_bits = null; 753_bits = new uint[dwordCount]; 759_bits = value; 783_bits = null; 790_bits = new uint[len]; 796_bits = value; 1779_bits = new uint[cu + 2];
118 references to _bits
System.Numerics (118)
System\Numerics\BigInteger.cs (115)
65if (_bits != null) 68Contract.Assert(Length(_bits) > 0 /*, "_bits must contain at least 1 element or be null"*/); 69if (Length(_bits) == 1) 70Contract.Assert(_bits[0] >= kuMaskHighBit /*, "Wasted space _bits[0] could have been packed into _sign"*/); 101if (_bits == null) 106int iu = Length(_bits) - 1; 107if ((_bits[iu] & (_bits[iu] - 1)) != 0) 111if (_bits[iu] != 0) 120public bool IsOne { get { AssertValid(); return _sign == 1 && _bits == null; } } 122public bool IsEven { get { AssertValid(); return _bits == null ? (_sign & 1) == 0 : (_bits[0] & 1) == 0; } } 148if (_bits == null) 151for (int iv = Length(_bits); --iv >= 0; ) 152hash = NumericsHelpers.CombineHash(hash, (int)_bits[iv]); 160if (_bits == null) 164if ((_sign ^ other) < 0 || (cu = Length(_bits)) > 2) 169return _bits[0] == uu; 171return NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(_bits[1], _bits[0]) == uu; 181if (_bits == null) 184int cu = Length(_bits); 188return _bits[0] == other; 189return NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(_bits[1], _bits[0]) == other; 199if (_bits == other._bits) 203if (_bits == null || other._bits == null) 205int cu = Length(_bits); 206if (cu != Length(other._bits)) 208int cuDiff = GetDiffLength(_bits, other._bits, cu); 216if (_bits == null) 219if ((_sign ^ other) < 0 || (cu = Length(_bits)) > 2) 222ulong uuTmp = cu == 2 ? NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(_bits[1], _bits[0]) : _bits[0]; 233if (_bits == null) 235int cu = Length(_bits); 238ulong uuTmp = cu == 2 ? NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(_bits[1], _bits[0]) : _bits[0]; 254if (_bits == null) 256if (other._bits == null) 261if (other._bits == null || (cuThis = Length(_bits)) > (cuOther = Length(other._bits))) 266int cuDiff = GetDiffLength(_bits, other._bits, cuThis); 269return _bits[cuDiff - 1] < other._bits[cuDiff - 1] ? -_sign : _sign; 286if (_bits == null && _sign == 0) 295if (_bits == null) { 300dwords = (uint[])_bits.Clone(); 304dwords = _bits; 338if (_bits == null && _sign == 0) 344if (_bits == null) { 349dwords = (uint[])_bits.Clone(); 353dwords = _bits; 415_bits[0] = value; 449_bits[0] = (uint)x; 450_bits[1] = (uint)(x >> kcbitUint); 466_bits[0] = (uint)value; 467_bits[1] = (uint)(value >> kcbitUint); 522_bits[0] = (UInt32)bits[0]; 524_bits[1] = (UInt32)bits[1]; 526_bits[2] = (UInt32)bits[2]; 578_bits[0] = (uint)_sign; 641Array.Copy(val, _bits, len); 701Array.Copy(value, _bits, len); 734_bits[0] = value[0]; 754Array.Copy(value, _bits, dwordCount); 791Array.Copy(value, _bits, len); 907if (value._bits == null) 913int uintLength = Length(value._bits); 914int topbits = BitLengthOfUInt(value._bits[uintLength - 1]); 922if ((value._bits[index] & indbit) != 0) 1029if (exponent._bits == null) 1035int len = Length(exponent._bits); 1038uint exp = exponent._bits[i]; 1041ModPowInner(exponent._bits[len - 1], ref regRes, ref regVal, ref regMod, ref regTmp); 1059if (value._bits == null) 1216if (value._bits == null) { 1219else if (Length(value._bits) > 1) { // more than 32 bits 1223return checked((int)value._bits[0]); 1226if (value._bits[0] > kuMaskHighBit) { // value > Int32.MinValue 1229return unchecked(-(int)value._bits[0]); 1237if (value._bits == null) { 1240else if (Length(value._bits) > 1 || value._sign < 0) { 1244return value._bits[0]; 1251if (value._bits == null) { 1255int len = Length(value._bits); 1262uu = NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(value._bits[1], value._bits[0]); 1265uu = (ulong)value._bits[0]; 1280if (value._bits == null) { 1284int len = Length(value._bits); 1290return NumericsHelpers.MakeUlong(value._bits[1], value._bits[0]); 1293return value._bits[0]; 1305if (value._bits == null) 1319if (value._bits == null) 1322int length = Length(value._bits); 1326if (length > 2) hi = (Int32)value._bits[2]; 1327if (length > 1) mi = (Int32)value._bits[1]; 1328if (length > 0) lo = (Int32)value._bits[0]; 1780_bits[cu + 1] = (uint)(man >> (cbit + kcbitUint)); 1781_bits[cu] = (uint)(man >> cbit); 1783_bits[cu - 1] = (uint)man << (kcbitUint - cbit); 1803internal uint[] _Bits { get { return _bits; } } 1831if (x._bits == null) { 1840xd = x._bits; 1842xl = (x._bits == null ? 1 : x._bits.Length);
System\Numerics\BigNumber.cs (3)
527if (value._bits == null) { 542int cuSrc = BigInteger.Length(value._bits); 552uint uCarry = value._bits[iuSrc];