3 instantiations of Cloud
System.Net (3)
net\PeerToPeer\Cloud.cs (3)
45public static readonly Cloud Available = new Cloud("AllAvailable", PnrpScope.All, -1); 50public static readonly Cloud AllLinkLocal = new Cloud("AllLinkLocal", PnrpScope.LinkLocal, -1); 230Cloud c = new Cloud(nativeCloudName, (PnrpScope)((int)cloudinfo.dwScope), (int)cloudinfo.dwScopeId);
38 references to Cloud
System.Net (38)
net\PeerToPeer\Cloud.cs (17)
33public class Cloud : ISerializable, IEquatable<Cloud> 45public static readonly Cloud Available = new Cloud("AllAvailable", PnrpScope.All, -1); 50public static readonly Cloud AllLinkLocal = new Cloud("AllLinkLocal", PnrpScope.LinkLocal, -1); 87if (this == Cloud.AllLinkLocal || this == Cloud.Available) 97if (this == Cloud.AllLinkLocal) 99else if (this == Cloud.Available) 123public static Cloud Global 133Cloud cloud = null; 144public static Cloud GetCloudByName(string cloudName) 151Cloud cloud = null; 167Cloud dummy = null; 185private static void GetCloudOrClouds(string cloudName, bool bGlobalCloudOnly, out CloudCollection clouds, out Cloud cloud) 230Cloud c = new Cloud(nativeCloudName, (PnrpScope)((int)cloudinfo.dwScope), (int)cloudinfo.dwScopeId); 280public bool Equals(Cloud other) 289Cloud other = obj as Cloud;
net\PeerToPeer\CloudCollection.cs (3)
14public class CloudCollection : Collection<Cloud> 17protected override void SetItem(int index, Cloud item) 25protected override void InsertItem(int index, Cloud item)
net\PeerToPeer\PeerNameRegistration.cs (6)
35private Cloud m_Cloud; 96public PeerNameRegistration(PeerName name, int port, Cloud cloud) 104cloud = Cloud.Available; 174public Cloud Cloud 693m_Cloud = info.GetValue("_Cloud", typeof(Cloud)) as Cloud;
net\PeerToPeer\PeerNameResolver.cs (12)
110internal Cloud m_Cloud; 165internal PeerNameResolverHelper(PeerName peerName, Cloud cloud, int MaxRecords, object userState, PeerNameResolver parent, int NewTraceEventId) 572return Resolve(peerName, Cloud.Available, int.MaxValue); 574public PeerNameRecordCollection Resolve(PeerName peerName, Cloud cloud) 580return Resolve(peerName, Cloud.Available, maxRecords); 606public PeerNameRecordCollection Resolve(PeerName peerName, Cloud cloud, int maxRecords) 627cloud = Cloud.Available; 731ResolveAsync(peerName, Cloud.Available, Int32.MaxValue, userState); 734public void ResolveAsync(PeerName peerName, Cloud cloud, object userState) 741ResolveAsync(peerName, Cloud.Available, maxRecords, userState); 750public void ResolveAsync(PeerName peerName, Cloud cloud, int maxRecords, object userState) 761cloud = Cloud.Available;