File: managementexception.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\wmi\managed\System\Management\System.Management.csproj (System.Management)
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using WbemClient_v1;
using System.Security.Permissions;
namespace System.Management
	/// <summary>
	///    <para>Represents the enumeration of all WMI error codes that are currently defined.</para>
	/// </summary>
	public enum ManagementStatus
		/// <summary>
		///    The operation was successful.
		/// </summary>
		NoError							= 0,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> This value is returned when no more objects 
		///       are available, the number of objects returned is less than the number requested,
		///       or at the end of an enumeration. It is also returned when the method is called
		///       with a value of 0 for the <paramref name="uCount"/> parameter.</para>
		/// </summary>
		False							= 1,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>An overridden property was deleted. This value is
		///       returned to signal that the original, non-overridden value has been restored as a
		///       result of the deletion.</para>
		/// </summary>
		ResetToDefault					= 0x40002,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The compared items (such as objects and classes)
		///       are not identical.</para>
		/// </summary>
		Different		                = 0x40003,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A call timed out. This is not an
		///       error condition; therefore, some results may have been returned.</para>
		/// </summary>
		Timedout						= 0x40004,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> No more data is available from the enumeration; the 
		///       user should terminate the enumeration. </para>
		/// </summary>
		NoMoreData						= 0x40005,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The operation was
		///       canceled.</para>
		/// </summary>
		OperationCanceled				= 0x40006,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>A request is still in progress; however, the results are not
		///       yet available.</para>
		/// </summary>
		Pending			                = 0x40007,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> More than one copy of the same object was detected in 
		///       the result set of an enumeration. </para>
		/// </summary>
		DuplicateObjects				= 0x40008,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The user did not receive all of the requested objects
		///       because of inaccessible resources (other than security violations).</para>
		/// </summary>
		PartialResults					= 0x40010,
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The call failed.</para>
		/// </summary>
		Failed                          = unchecked((int)0x80041001),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The object could not be found. </para>
		/// </summary>
		NotFound                        = unchecked((int)0x80041002),
		/// <summary>
		///    The current user does not have permission to perform the
		///    action.
		/// </summary>
		AccessDenied                    = unchecked((int)0x80041003),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The provider failed after 
		///       initialization. </para>
		/// </summary>
		ProviderFailure                 = unchecked((int)0x80041004),
		/// <summary>
		///    A type mismatch occurred.
		/// </summary>
		TypeMismatch                    = unchecked((int)0x80041005),
		/// <summary>
		///    There was not enough memory for the operation.
		/// </summary>
		OutOfMemory                     = unchecked((int)0x80041006),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The context object is not valid.</para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidContext                  = unchecked((int)0x80041007),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> One of the parameters to the call is not correct. 
		///    </para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidParameter                = unchecked((int)0x80041008),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The resource, typically a remote server, is not 
		///       currently available. </para>
		/// </summary>
		NotAvailable                    = unchecked((int)0x80041009),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>An internal, critical, and unexpected error occurred. 
		///       Report this error to Microsoft Product Support Services.</para>
		/// </summary>
		CriticalError                   = unchecked((int)0x8004100A),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>One or more network packets were corrupted during a remote session.</para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidStream                   = unchecked((int)0x8004100B),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The feature or operation is not supported. </para>
		/// </summary>
		NotSupported                    = unchecked((int)0x8004100C),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified base class is not valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidSuperclass               = unchecked((int)0x8004100D),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The specified namespace could not be found. </para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidNamespace                = unchecked((int)0x8004100E),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified instance is not valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidObject                   = unchecked((int)0x8004100F),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified class is not valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidClass                    = unchecked((int)0x80041010),
		/// <summary>
		///    A provider referenced in the schema does not have a
		///    corresponding registration.
		/// </summary>
		ProviderNotFound				= unchecked((int)0x80041011),
		/// <summary>
		///    A provider referenced in the schema has an incorrect or
		///    incomplete registration.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidProviderRegistration		= unchecked((int)0x80041012),
		/// <summary>
		///    COM cannot locate a provider referenced in the schema.
		/// </summary>
		ProviderLoadFailure				= unchecked((int)0x80041013),
		/// <summary>
		///  A component, such as a provider, failed to initialize for internal reasons. 
		/// </summary>
		InitializationFailure           = unchecked((int)0x80041014),
		/// <summary>
		///    A networking error that prevents normal operation has
		///    occurred.
		/// </summary>
		TransportFailure                = unchecked((int)0x80041015),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The requested operation is not valid. This error usually 
		///       applies to invalid attempts to delete classes or properties. </para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidOperation                = unchecked((int)0x80041016),
		/// <summary>
		///    The query was not syntactically valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidQuery                    = unchecked((int)0x80041017),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The requested query language is not supported.</para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidQueryType				= unchecked((int)0x80041018),
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>In a put operation, the <see langword='wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly'/>
		/// flag was specified, but the instance already exists.</para>
		/// </summary>
		AlreadyExists                   = unchecked((int)0x80041019),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The add operation cannot be performed on the qualifier 
		///       because the owning object does not permit overrides.</para>
		/// </summary>
		OverrideNotAllowed				= unchecked((int)0x8004101A),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The user attempted to delete a qualifier that was not 
		///       owned. The qualifier was inherited from a parent class. </para>
		/// </summary>
		PropagatedQualifier             = unchecked((int)0x8004101B),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The user attempted to delete a property that was not 
		///       owned. The property was inherited from a parent class. </para>
		/// </summary>
		PropagatedProperty              = unchecked((int)0x8004101C),
		/// <summary>
		///    The client made an unexpected and illegal sequence of
		///    calls.
		/// </summary>
		Unexpected                      = unchecked((int)0x8004101D),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The user requested an illegal operation, such as 
		///       spawning a class from an instance.</para>
		/// </summary>
		IllegalOperation                = unchecked((int)0x8004101E),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> There was an illegal attempt to specify a key qualifier 
		///       on a property that cannot be a key. The keys are specified in the class
		///       definition for an object and cannot be altered on a per-instance basis.</para>
		/// </summary>
		CannotBeKey						= unchecked((int)0x8004101F),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The current object is not a valid class definition.
		///       Either it is incomplete, or it has not been registered with WMI using
		///    <see cref='System.Management.ManagementObject.Put'/>().</para>
		/// </summary>
		IncompleteClass                 = unchecked((int)0x80041020),
		/// <summary>
		///    Reserved for future use.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidSyntax                   = unchecked((int)0x80041021),
		/// <summary>
		///    Reserved for future use.
		/// </summary>
		NondecoratedObject              = unchecked((int)0x80041022),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The property that you are attempting to modify is read-only.</para>
		/// </summary>
		ReadOnly                        = unchecked((int)0x80041023),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The provider cannot perform the requested operation, such 
		///       as requesting a query that is too complex, retrieving an instance, creating or
		///       updating a class, deleting a class, or enumerating a class. </para>
		/// </summary>
		ProviderNotCapable				= unchecked((int)0x80041024),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>An attempt was made to make a change that would
		///       invalidate a derived class.</para>
		/// </summary>
		ClassHasChildren				= unchecked((int)0x80041025),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt has been made to delete or modify a class that 
		///       has instances. </para>
		/// </summary>
		ClassHasInstances				= unchecked((int)0x80041026),
		/// <summary>
		///    Reserved for future use.
		/// </summary>
		QueryNotImplemented				= unchecked((int)0x80041027),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A value of null was specified for a property that may
		///       not be null, such as one that is marked by a <see langword='Key'/>, <see langword='Indexed'/>, or
		///    <see langword='Not_Null'/> qualifier.</para>
		/// </summary>
		IllegalNull                     = unchecked((int)0x80041028),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The value provided for a qualifier was not a 
		///       legal qualifier type.</para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidQualifierType			= unchecked((int)0x80041029),
		/// <summary>
		///    The CIM type specified for a property is not valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidPropertyType				= unchecked((int)0x8004102A),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The request was made with an out-of-range value, or is 
		///       incompatible with the type. </para>
		/// </summary>
		ValueOutOfRange					= unchecked((int)0x8004102B),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>An illegal attempt was made to make a class singleton, 
		///       such as when the class is derived from a non-singleton class.</para>
		/// </summary>
		CannotBeSingleton				= unchecked((int)0x8004102C),
		/// <summary>
		///    The CIM type specified is not valid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidCimType					= unchecked((int)0x8004102D),
		/// <summary>
		///    The requested method is not available.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidMethod                   = unchecked((int)0x8004102E),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The parameters provided for the method are not valid. 
		///    </para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidMethodParameters			= unchecked((int)0x8004102F),
		/// <summary>
		///    There was an attempt to get qualifiers on a system
		///    property.
		/// </summary>
		SystemProperty                  = unchecked((int)0x80041030),
		/// <summary>
		///    The property type is not recognized.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidProperty                 = unchecked((int)0x80041031),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An asynchronous process has been canceled internally or 
		///       by the user. Note that because of the timing and nature of the asynchronous
		///       operation, the operation may not have been truly canceled. </para>
		/// </summary>
		CallCanceled                   = unchecked((int)0x80041032),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The user has requested an operation while WMI is in the 
		///       process of quitting.</para>
		/// </summary>
		ShuttingDown                    = unchecked((int)0x80041033),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made to reuse an existing method name from 
		///       a base class, and the signatures did not match. </para>
		/// </summary>
		PropagatedMethod                = unchecked((int)0x80041034),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> One or more parameter values, such as a query text, is 
		///       too complex or unsupported. WMI is requested to retry the operation
		///       with simpler parameters. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UnsupportedParameter            = unchecked((int)0x80041035),
		/// <summary>
		///    A parameter was missing from the method call.
		/// </summary>
		MissingParameterID		        = unchecked((int)0x80041036),
		/// <summary>
		///    A method parameter has an invalid <see langword='ID'/> qualifier.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidParameterID				= unchecked((int)0x80041037),
		/// <summary>
		/// <para> One or more of the method parameters have <see langword='ID'/> 
		/// qualifiers that are out of sequence. </para>
		/// </summary>
		NonconsecutiveParameterIDs		= unchecked((int)0x80041038),
		/// <summary>
		/// <para> The return value for a method has an <see langword='ID'/> qualifier. 
		/// </para>
		/// </summary>
		ParameterIDOnRetval				= unchecked((int)0x80041039),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified object path was invalid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidObjectPath				= unchecked((int)0x8004103A),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> There is not enough free disk space to continue the 
		///       operation. </para>
		/// </summary>
		OutOfDiskSpace					= unchecked((int)0x8004103B),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The supplied buffer was too small to hold all the objects 
		///       in the enumerator or to read a string property. </para>
		/// </summary>
		BufferTooSmall					= unchecked((int)0x8004103C),
		/// <summary>
		///    The provider does not support the requested put
		///    operation.
		/// </summary>
		UnsupportedPutExtension			= unchecked((int)0x8004103D),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An object with an incorrect type or version was 
		///       encountered during marshaling. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UnknownObjectType				= unchecked((int)0x8004103E),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A packet with an incorrect type or version was 
		///       encountered during marshaling. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UnknownPacketType				= unchecked((int)0x8004103F),
		/// <summary>
		///    The packet has an unsupported version.
		/// </summary>
		MarshalVersionMismatch			= unchecked((int)0x80041040),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The packet is corrupted.</para>
		/// </summary>
		MarshalInvalidSignature			= unchecked((int)0x80041041),
		/// <summary>
		///    An attempt has been made to mismatch qualifiers, such as
		///    putting [key] on an object instead of a property.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidQualifier				= unchecked((int)0x80041042),
		/// <summary>
		///    A duplicate parameter has been declared in a CIM method.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidDuplicateParameter		= unchecked((int)0x80041043),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> Reserved for future use. </para>
		/// </summary>
		TooMuchData						= unchecked((int)0x80041044),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The delivery of an event has failed. The provider may 
		///       choose to re-raise the event.</para>
		/// </summary>
		ServerTooBusy					= unchecked((int)0x80041045),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified flavor was invalid.
		/// </summary>
		InvalidFlavor					= unchecked((int)0x80041046),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt has been made to create a reference that is 
		///       circular (for example, deriving a class from itself). </para>
		/// </summary>
		CircularReference				= unchecked((int)0x80041047),
		/// <summary>
		///    The specified class is not supported.
		/// </summary>
		UnsupportedClassUpdate			= unchecked((int)0x80041048),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made to change a key when instances or derived 
		///       classes are already using the key. </para>
		/// </summary>
		CannotChangeKeyInheritance		= unchecked((int)0x80041049),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made to change an index when instances or derived 
		///       classes are already using the index. </para>
		/// </summary>
		CannotChangeIndexInheritance	= unchecked((int)0x80041050),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made to create more properties than the 
		///       current version of the class supports. </para>
		/// </summary>
		TooManyProperties				= unchecked((int)0x80041051),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a 
		///       derived class. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UpdateTypeMismatch				= unchecked((int)0x80041052),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made in a derived class to override a 
		///       non-overrideable qualifier. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UpdateOverrideNotAllowed		= unchecked((int)0x80041053),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a 
		///       derived class. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UpdatePropagatedMethod			= unchecked((int)0x80041054),
		/// <summary>
		///    An attempt was made to execute a method not marked with
		///    [implemented] in any relevant class.
		/// </summary>
		MethodNotImplemented			= unchecked((int)0x80041055),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An attempt was made to execute a method marked with 
		///       [disabled]. </para>
		/// </summary>
		MethodDisabled      			= unchecked((int)0x80041056),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The refresher is busy with another operation. </para>
		/// </summary>
		RefresherBusy					= unchecked((int)0x80041057),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The filtering query is syntactically invalid. </para>
		/// </summary>
		UnparsableQuery                 = unchecked((int)0x80041058),
		/// <summary>
		///    The FROM clause of a filtering query references a class
		///    that is not an event class.
		/// </summary>
		NotEventClass					= unchecked((int)0x80041059),
		/// <summary>
		///    A GROUP BY clause was used without the corresponding
		///    GROUP WITHIN clause.
		/// </summary>
		MissingGroupWithin				= unchecked((int)0x8004105A),
		/// <summary>
		///    A GROUP BY clause was used. Aggregation on all properties
		///    is not supported.
		/// </summary>
		MissingAggregationList			= unchecked((int)0x8004105B),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> Dot notation was used on a property that is not an 
		///       embedded object. </para>
		/// </summary>
		PropertyNotAnObject				= unchecked((int)0x8004105C),
		/// <summary>
		///    A GROUP BY clause references a property that is an
		///    embedded object without using dot notation.
		/// </summary>
		AggregatingByObject				= unchecked((int)0x8004105D),
		/// <summary>
		///    An event provider registration query
		///    (<see langword='__EventProviderRegistration'/>) did not specify the classes for which
		///    events were provided.
		/// </summary>
		UninterpretableProviderQuery	= unchecked((int)0x8004105F),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An request was made to back up or restore the repository 
		///       while WinMgmt.exe was using it. </para>
		/// </summary>
		BackupRestoreWinmgmtRunning		= unchecked((int)0x80041060),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The asynchronous delivery queue overflowed from the 
		///       event consumer being too slow. </para>
		/// </summary>
		QueueOverflow                   = unchecked((int)0x80041061),
		/// <summary>
		///    The operation failed because the client did not have the
		///    necessary security privilege.
		/// </summary>
		PrivilegeNotHeld				= unchecked((int)0x80041062),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>The operator is not valid for this property type.</para>
		/// </summary>
		InvalidOperator                 = unchecked((int)0x80041063),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The user specified a username, password, or authority on a 
		///       local connection. The user must use an empty user name and password and rely on
		///       default security. </para>
		/// </summary>
		LocalCredentials                = unchecked((int)0x80041064),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The class was made abstract when its base class is not 
		///       abstract. </para>
		/// </summary>
		CannotBeAbstract				= unchecked((int)0x80041065),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> An amended object was used in a put operation without the 
		///       WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS flag being specified. </para>
		/// </summary>
		AmendedObject					= unchecked((int)0x80041066),
		/// <summary>
		///    The client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from
		///    an enumeration.
		/// </summary>
		ClientTooSlow					= unchecked((int)0x80041067),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> The provider registration overlaps with the system event 
		///       domain. </para>
		/// </summary>
		RegistrationTooBroad			= unchecked((int)0x80042001),
		/// <summary>
		///    <para> A WITHIN clause was not used in this query. </para>
		/// </summary>
		RegistrationTooPrecise			= unchecked((int)0x80042002)
	/// <summary>
	///    <para> Represents management exceptions.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <example>
	///    <code lang='C#'>using System;
	/// using System.Management;
	/// // This sample demonstrates how to display error
	/// // information stored in a ManagementException object.
	/// class Sample_ManagementException
	/// {
	///     public static int Main(string[] args)
	///     {
	///         try
	///         {
	///             ManagementObject disk =
	///                 new ManagementObject("Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='BAD:'");
	///             disk.Get(); // throws ManagementException
	///             Console.WriteLine("This shouldn't be displayed.");
	///         }
	///         catch (ManagementException e)
	///         {
	///           Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode " + e.ErrorCode);
	///           Console.WriteLine("Message " + e.Message);
	///           Console.WriteLine("Source " + e.Source);
	///           if (e.ErrorInformation) //extended error object
	///               Console.WriteLine("Extended Description : " + e.ErrorInformation["Description"]);
	///         }
	///         return 0;
	///     }
	/// }
	///    </code>
	///    <code lang='VB'>Imports System
	/// Imports System.Management
	/// ' This sample demonstrates how to display error
	/// ' information stored in a ManagementException object.
	/// Class Sample_ManagementException
	///     Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer
	///         Try
	///             Dim disk As New ManagementObject("Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='BAD:'")
	///             disk.Get() ' throws ManagementException
	///             Console.WriteLine("This shouldn't be displayed.")
	///         Catch e As ManagementException
	///             Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode " &amp; e.ErrorCode)
	///             Console.WriteLine("Message " &amp; e.Message)
	///             Console.WriteLine("Source " &amp; e.Source)
	///             If e.ErrorInformation != Nothing Then 'extended error object
	///                 Console.WriteLine("Extended Description : " &amp; e.ErrorInformation("Description"))
	///             End If
	///         End Try
	///         Return 0
	///     End Function
	/// End Class
	///    </code>
	/// </example>
	public class ManagementException : SystemException 
		private ManagementBaseObject	errorObject = null;
		private ManagementStatus		errorCode = 0;
		internal static void ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
			ManagementBaseObject errObj = null;
			string msg = null;
			//Try to get extended error info first, and save in errorObject member
			IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded obj = WbemErrorInfo.GetErrorInfo();
			if (obj != null)
				errObj = new ManagementBaseObject(obj);
			//If the error code is not a WMI one and there's an extended error object available, stick the message
			//from the extended error object in.
			if (((msg = GetMessage(errorCode)) == null) && (errObj != null))
					msg = (string)errObj["Description"];
				catch {}
			throw new ManagementException(errorCode, msg, errObj);
		internal static void ThrowWithExtendedInfo(Exception e)
			ManagementBaseObject errObj = null;
			string msg = null;
			//Try to get extended error info first, and save in errorObject member
			IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded obj = WbemErrorInfo.GetErrorInfo();
			if (obj != null)
				errObj = new ManagementBaseObject(obj);
			//If the error code is not a WMI one and there's an extended error object available, stick the message
			//from the extended error object in.
			if (((msg = GetMessage(e)) == null) && (errObj != null))
					msg = (string)errObj["Description"];
				catch {}
			throw new ManagementException(e, msg, errObj);
		internal ManagementException(ManagementStatus errorCode, string msg, ManagementBaseObject errObj) : base (msg)
			this.errorCode = errorCode;
			this.errorObject = errObj;
		internal ManagementException(Exception e, string msg, ManagementBaseObject errObj) : base (msg, e)
				if (e is ManagementException)
					errorCode = ((ManagementException)e).ErrorCode;
					// May/may not have extended error info.
					if (errorObject != null)
						errorObject = (ManagementBaseObject)((ManagementException)e).errorObject.Clone();
						errorObject = null;
				else if (e is COMException)
					errorCode = (ManagementStatus)((COMException)e).ErrorCode;
					errorCode = (ManagementStatus)this.HResult;
			catch {}
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Management.ManagementException'/> class that is serializable.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='info'>The <see cref='System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo'/> to populate with data.</param>
	/// <param name='context'>The destination (see <see cref='System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext'/> ) for this serialization.</param>
        protected ManagementException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
            errorCode = (ManagementStatus)info.GetValue("errorCode", typeof(ManagementStatus));
            errorObject = info.GetValue("errorObject", typeof(ManagementBaseObject)) as ManagementBaseObject;
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Management.ManagementException'/> class</para>
		/// </summary>
		public ManagementException():this(ManagementStatus.Failed, "", null)
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Management.ManagementException'/> 
		/// class with a specified error message.</para>
		/// <param name='message'>The message that describes the error.</param>
		/// </summary>
		public ManagementException(string message):this(ManagementStatus.Failed, message, null)
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>Initializes a empty new instance of the <see cref='System.Management.ManagementException'/> class </para>
		/// <param name='message'>The message that describes the error.</param>
		/// <param name='innerException'>The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException 
		/// parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch 
		/// block that handles the inner exception.</param>
		/// </summary>
		public ManagementException(string message,Exception innerException):this(innerException, message, null)
			// if the exception passed is not a ManagementException, then initialize the ErrorCode to Failed
			if (!(innerException is ManagementException))
				errorCode = ManagementStatus.Failed;
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Populates the <see cref='System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo'/> object with the data needed to 
        ///    serialize the <see cref='System.Management.ManagementException'/>
        ///    object.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='info'>The <see cref='System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo'/> to populate with data.</param>
	/// <param name='context'>The destination (see <see cref='System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext'/> ) for this serialization.</param>
		//FXCop requests explicit demand of the SerializationFormatter permission
		[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter=true)]
		public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("errorCode", errorCode);
            info.AddValue("errorObject", errorObject);
		private static string GetMessage(Exception e)
			string msg = null;
			if (e is COMException)
				// Try and get WMI error message. If not use the one in 
				// the exception
				msg = GetMessage ((ManagementStatus)((COMException)e).ErrorCode);
			if (null == msg)
				msg = e.Message;
			return msg;
		private static string GetMessage(ManagementStatus errorCode)
			string msg = null;
			IWbemStatusCodeText statusCode = null;
			int hr;
			statusCode = (IWbemStatusCodeText) new WbemStatusCodeText();
			if (statusCode != null)
				try {
					hr = statusCode.GetErrorCodeText_((int)errorCode, 0, 1, out msg);
					// Just in case it didn't like the flag=1, try it again
					// with flag=0.
					if (hr != 0)
						hr = statusCode.GetErrorCodeText_((int)errorCode, 0, 0, out msg);
				catch {}
			return msg;
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>Gets the extended error object provided by WMI.</para>
		/// </summary>
		/// <value>
		/// <para>A <see cref='System.Management.ManagementBaseObject'/> representing the 
		///    extended error object provided by WMI, if available; <see langword='null'/>
		///    otherwise.</para>
		/// </value>
		public ManagementBaseObject ErrorInformation 
			{ return errorObject; }
		/// <summary>
		///    <para>Gets the error code reported by WMI, which caused this exception.</para>
		/// </summary>
		/// <value>
		///    A <see cref='System.Management.ManagementStatus'/> value representing the error code returned by
		///    the WMI operation.
		/// </value>
		public ManagementStatus ErrorCode 
			{ return errorCode; }